Search found 2 matches

by johnromeronc
Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:19 pm
Forum: Real Software
Topic: desire to zoom in on part of route while on trainer
Replies: 1
Views: 9764

desire to zoom in on part of route while on trainer

I am using software ver I have imported some routes which worked well. Some of them are long 50 miles and more. I would like the ability to have the display show only a use set # of miles / KL at a time with a small window showing where I am in the entire ride. For example. The larger wind...
by johnromeronc
Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:12 pm
Forum: Real Software
Topic: 1 - SW routeimport issue 2 - save error on partial completed route
Replies: 1
Views: 9637

1 - SW routeimport issue 2 - save error on partial completed route

I am using of your SW. I have imported a route in TCX format and that went well, with one exception. The last segment thought the incline / slope was greater that 20%. The route was good except for that. 2 - I only completed half of the route. When I stopped, I selected to save the ride, an...

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