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by kimbogus
Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:09 pm
Forum: Suito
Topic: Power meter and controller stopped working (ERG mode)
Replies: 17
Views: 24935

Re: Power meter and controller stopped working (ERG mode)

Hi guys, having new issues with my Elite Nero. Since I did the update the spindown gives me a value of about 7800, which relates in horrible resistance in Zwift. I suddenly can hardly reach 150 watts in flat without having the feeling of an 6% slope. Doing a spindown in Zwift results in the same int...
by kimbogus
Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:04 pm
Forum: Nero
Topic: Elite Nero Connection Error
Replies: 4
Views: 21058

Re: Elite Nero Connection Error

Hi ThomasHu, Elite contacted me and helped with my issue. I don't know why, but in the my E-Trainging the power meter link was activated, why the Elite Nero kept trying to connect to my p2m Powermeter which a have not activated yet. As the p2m does send 0 watts there, the Nero did not sent any data ...
by kimbogus
Wed Jan 27, 2021 4:14 pm
Forum: Suito
Topic: Power meter and controller stopped working (ERG mode)
Replies: 17
Views: 24935

Re: Power meter and controller stopped working

Hi guys,

Zwift-Update does not have any affect. Still not working. Same with Garmin Fenix via Ant+.
Btw. in my Case (Elite Nero) it seems like doing a Workout on Zwift Ergo-Mode is working but still Power is not transmitted.
by kimbogus
Tue Jan 26, 2021 4:02 pm
Forum: Suito
Topic: Power meter and controller stopped working (ERG mode)
Replies: 17
Views: 24935

Re: Power meter and controller stopped working

Hi there,

Im having the exact same problem with my Elite Nero. Cadence shown via Ant+ and bluetooth but Power and Resistance is not working, despite the sensors are shown as connect in Garmin and Zwift. The LEDs insread are blinking, which suggests, the connection is lost.
by kimbogus
Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:49 pm
Forum: Nero
Topic: Elite Nero Connection Error
Replies: 4
Views: 21058

Elite Nero Connection Error

Hey Guys, sinc a day now (Jan 25th) I have connection issues with my Elite Nero. Both with Ant+ and Bluetooth I can connect to my Garmin Device and to Zwift but as soon as I start pedaling (3 to 4 strokes) the Power is no longer shown and the resistance is no longer adjustet automatically. This appe...

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