Search found 3 matches

by sonykogin
Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:50 pm
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: Drivo Erg Mode
Replies: 173
Views: 565694

Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Hi So far, I have not heard back from Elite support team. Upgrado app is also not helping as it shows "Up to Date" when my firmware is version 22. Many users report firmware 58 in their Drivos. So your response about reaching support via E-Training app perks my interest. I looked around fo...
by sonykogin
Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:44 pm
Forum: Trainers general discussion
Topic: drivo not connecting to zwift / resistance not changing
Replies: 9
Views: 19352

Re: drivo not connecting to zwift / resistance not changing

Lots of postings on this very subject dating as far back as 2017. I am having the same issue myself.
So far, Elite support team is not actively addressing this issue. I would guess they either want you to trade up to a new model or go elsewhere.
by sonykogin
Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:41 pm
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: DRIVO's ERG doesn't seem to work (no resistance)
Replies: 1
Views: 5450

DRIVO's ERG doesn't seem to work (no resistance)

Greetings from sunny California, After reading some articles, I have a common issue that seems to plague Drive I. Please advise if there is a firmware upgrade or special JSON file available. Here are the details of my set up: 1) Drive I, HW rev 1.0, Firmware rev 022 2) Zwift on macOS Catalina and iO...

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