Search found 2 matches

by johnmacattitude
Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:14 am
Forum: Trainers general discussion
Topic: The real axiom VS expresso bike and the peleton bike.
Replies: 0
Views: 3539

The real axiom VS expresso bike and the peleton bike.

I've got a genuine Axiom wireless setup. I'm not sure I'm getting the most out of this gadget. I'm thinking about selling my machine and buying an expresso bike or a peleton. It came with 15 real videos that I never watched, and more than half of them have never been opened. I enjoy the genuine vide...
by johnmacattitude
Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:17 pm
Forum: Trainers general discussion
Topic: Suito - calibration
Replies: 17
Views: 62558

Re: Suito - calibration

My new Suito trainer's spin down calibration isn't working, and I can't calibrate it with the my-training app. For the past week, I've been attempting from my laptop and Android phone. My Disney Experience login

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