Search found 4 matches

by wolfgang-henke
Wed Feb 15, 2023 4:57 pm
Forum: Forum questions
Topic: Justo calibration
Replies: 0
Views: 15285

Justo calibration

Hi, I'm having two questions: 1) if I run a Justo trainer calibration at one gear setting, i.e. at a given chain ring/sprocket combination, will this calibration also valid for other gear settings or would I need to recalibrate for specific other setting? I'm not switching gears during a workout, bu...
by wolfgang-henke
Wed Feb 01, 2023 3:06 pm
Forum: My e-training
Topic: Regulation of Intensity Level
Replies: 2
Views: 8104

Re: Regulation of Intensity Level

I also would very much appreciate being able to adjust the intensity levels in 1% steps. Has anything happened regarding this type of feature yet? it has been proposed 4 years ago.
by wolfgang-henke
Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:42 pm
Forum: My e-training
Topic: Versioning and release notes
Replies: 2
Views: 6557

Re: Versioning and release notes

are release notes available these days?
by wolfgang-henke
Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:15 pm
Forum: Trainers general discussion
Topic: import workout sequence in ASCII formt
Replies: 2
Views: 4840

import workout sequence in ASCII formt

Hi All,
is it possible to import ASCII type files containing workout descriptions?
An example could be a Zwift type of workout definition, like:

5min from 120 to 255W
4x 5min @ 288W,
5min @ 265W
5min from 225 to 165W

or similar.
kind regards

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