Search found 4 matches

by lyndonthompson.mob
Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:59 am
Forum: My e-training
Topic: EliteMyTraining Training Test Phase 3
Replies: 16
Views: 32906

Re: EliteMyTraining Training Test Phase 3

Elite Admin S wrote:I confirm you that it has been solved


No it hasn't. Same thing happened to me in the Real software today.
by lyndonthompson.mob
Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:53 am
Forum: Real Software
Topic: Test Results
Replies: 1
Views: 4531

Test Results

In the bearable functional "Real" software, (it crashes), where are the saved Training Test results stored / can be found?
by lyndonthompson.mob
Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:43 am
Forum: My e-training
Topic: My E Training / Elite
Replies: 4
Views: 7877

My E Training / Elite

Why do we have to purchase premium subscription for MyETraining on Windows? The code provided works in Android but not in Windows. I know this as been mentioned and I've read the other thread but don't the answers by Elite don't make sense or seem sensible. The "Real" software crashes all ...
by lyndonthompson.mob
Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:27 am
Forum: My e-training
Topic: MyEtraining on windows
Replies: 51
Views: 354159

Re: MyEtraining on windows

I have the same issue. The given code doesn't work in the windows app. I will trawl through this site looking for a solution but i shouldn't have to.

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