Search found 2 matches

by domas
Thu Mar 14, 2019 3:03 pm
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: Drivo II - ERG control extremely slow
Replies: 52
Views: 233732

Re: Drivo II - ERG control extremely slow

UPDATE I have been contacted by Elite support after sending request and I got Access to beta Android application to fix the problem. It is working fine as I can tell so far so good news! The app is in beta so it is invitation only for now but they will releases it to public in near future i think. S...
by domas
Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:42 pm
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: Drivo II - ERG control extremely slow
Replies: 52
Views: 233732

Re: Drivo II - ERG control extremely slow

Hi guys. Thx for this thread. I also have the problems with my ERG mode similar to yours. Today (7th of Feb) I have installed new update of myETraining app on OSX. I have: - opened the app - connected to my trainer via Bluetooth - changed Power Smothing to 1 (the default is 2) - this part was strang...

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