Search found 8 matches

by Col.Mustard
Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:45 am
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: Drivo Firmware update
Replies: 28
Views: 57756

Re: Drivo Firmware update

Can we get an update from an Elite rep on this? We are still waiting for firmware update for the Drivo.
by Col.Mustard
Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:40 am
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: Elite Drivo BLUETOOTH AND ANT+ simultaneously (like direto)??
Replies: 24
Views: 47902

Re: Elite Drivo BLUETOOTH AND ANT+ simultaneously (like direto)??

Any update on this? Will be be able to use BT and ANT on Drivo anytime soon?
by Col.Mustard
Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:27 pm
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: Drivo Erg Mode
Replies: 173
Views: 566553

Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Here's a typical death spiral. Graph starts around 225w. Workout then calls for 280w (and increase cadence to 110) at around minute 47. You can still see the oscillations in power from 268w to 310w. Workout returns to 225 steady state, then calls for another 280w interval. This time the death spiral...
by Col.Mustard
Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:20 pm
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: Drivo Erg Mode
Replies: 173
Views: 566553

Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Target 250 watts. Range is 229 - 279 watts Note the sine-wave :cry:

2.PNG (22.91 KiB) Viewed 20999 times
by Col.Mustard
Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:15 pm
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: Drivo Erg Mode
Replies: 173
Views: 566553

Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Graph from this morning. Target power in ERG was to be 130 watts. Ranges from 107w to 157w. :evil:

drivo.PNG (30.93 KiB) Viewed 20999 times
by Col.Mustard
Wed Feb 27, 2019 6:44 am
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: Drivo Erg Mode
Replies: 173
Views: 566553

Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Same, I've opened a couple tickets about this, only to be told my peddle stroke was the cause of this variance. I won't be buying any more Elite products, since they dont care about support after the sale. I bought one of the first Drivo units and noticed this problem straight away using Trainer Roa...
by Col.Mustard
Sun Feb 17, 2019 8:15 pm
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: Drivo rocker plate
Replies: 12
Views: 26357

Re: Drivo rocker plate

Build completed. Thanks for the inspiration sebrious! Plywood 3/4" - 24" x 36" (2) Pillow block bearing 3/4" (4) Steel Rod 36" x 3/4" (1) Mini Dodgeball 4 1/2" (4) U Bolt 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" (2) Carriage Bolt 1/4" x 2" (8) Washer (8) Fender washer (...
by Col.Mustard
Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:48 pm
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: Drivo rocker plate
Replies: 12
Views: 26357

Re: Drivo rocker plate

Thanks for posting these plans. I'm building one up next week but will be using small Dodge Balls as the air bladders so I can adjust the pressure.

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