Search found 2 matches

by aldesr
Mon May 11, 2020 4:49 pm
Forum: My e-training
Topic: map and gps data upload to strava
Replies: 11
Views: 21461

Re: map and gps data upload to strava

So I will copy here a request I sent to Elite support by mail. Subject was TCX export of map tour data. << My E-Training will export TIME - DISTANCE - POWER - CADENCE - HEART FREQUENCY - SPEED data fields. A similar program Kettler World Tours will export the same 6 data fields, but also ALTITUDE - ...
by aldesr
Thu Dec 26, 2019 10:05 pm
Forum: Drivo & Drivo II
Topic: Drivo Erg Mode
Replies: 173
Views: 565842

Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Excuse my poor english as my mother tongue is french. The 1st test to make is free run of eg 200W 1', 300W 1', 400W 1', 500W 1', etc, several times. This will kind of profile the athlete, as Elite is definitely right on 1 point -> The driver athlete is 'oscillating' himself. The 2nd test is to execu...

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