Elite Turbo Muin Leaking

General discussions on Elite trainers

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Elite Turbo Muin Leaking

Postby patrickmckeown91 » Sun Nov 26, 2017 5:37 pm

Hi all,

I've had the Elite Turbo Muin for just over a year now and recently, it's started leaking oil from the bottom of the trainer after each ride.

At first, this wasn't affecting the resistance or power numbers displayed on rides, however it's now seemingly affecting both factors. Additionally, more and more oil is leaking from the trainer as time goes on.

I've contacted Customer Services and unfortunately, they've simply told me to replace the oil, which of course doesn't tackle the initial problem of the trainer leaking oil.

Has anyone had this issue before and know how it can be rectified? Any help would be much appreciated.


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Elite Admin S
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Re: Elite Turbo Muin Leaking

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:31 am

Hi Patrick

Adding oil is not a solution that we suggest in these cases.
Usually, we ask the user to check from where the oil leaks, to understand if there is a damage on the frame or if the o-ring is broken.
In the first case, the trainer must be replaced, in the second one we send a new o-ring and the oil to solve the issue.

So, if you have this problem please contact the customer care at real@elite-it.com


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