Slope Query for Rampa (10% max?)

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Slope Query for Rampa (10% max?)

Postby anthonybrookes » Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:20 pm

I have an Elite Rampa. In the manual it says "The maximum simulatable slope on the Rampa is a function of speed and the weight of the individual rider". I have also read that it can simulate slopes up to 10%. However if I weight 59kg can it theoretically simulate slopes of a higher gradient? How do I work out what my personal maximum slope is?

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Re: Slope Query for Rampa (10% max?)

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:10 am

Hi Anthony

I confirm you that a lighter weight increases the max simulable slope.
But it's not the only variable to consider.
The calculation of the slope is done in real time by the software, considering your weight but also the speed and the curve of your specific Rampa (all the rampas are slightly different, due to mechanical tolerances, and the power curve is calculated basing on the calibration).
So, do a calculation of your specific max slope is really complicated.

Of course if your weight il lighter compared to another user, the simulable slope will be higher for you.


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