Direto Response Time

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Direto Response Time

Postby hecbom » Tue Jul 24, 2018 5:30 pm

Ciao a tutti
I have the Direto Trainer and while using Zwift I have noticed a slow response time from the Trainer for example, I sprint to catch a rider that passes me, watts go to say 600 Watts but takes several seconds even if I am still raising my power level. I am not sure if this is trainer, software or Internet connection bandwidth. Another example of delay is when I stop pedaling briefly and restart, I notice the wattage takes time to get up to my previous level. Last question, is there a firmware update to correct the problem if it is a Trainer problem.
Grazie Mille
Ettore Bombino

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Re: Direto Response Time

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed Jul 25, 2018 8:18 am

Buongiorno Ettore

Direto has inside a stepping motor that controls a magnetic arm that adjusts the trainer resistance.
This movement can take some seconds, especially if the power gap is big.
In both your examples, the power gap seems important (a sprint or a restart) so it is normal that the trainer takes some time to adjust the resistance.

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Re: Direto Response Time

Postby raphnou » Tue Jul 31, 2018 7:36 am


Unfortunately a home trainer is used mainly with Zwift or Trainerroad, for example in Zwift the new plans are not modifiable nor adaptable to the latency of the Direto, with very short fractions of some excercices, the Direto does not allow to validate the 'excercise.
For me the Direto is good but is clearly not for someone who is anxious to perform excercices quality.
By cons, the Direto is very good freeride or realvideo but in these conditions I prefer to ride outside.

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