Premium Renewal

General discussions on Elite trainers

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Premium Renewal

Postby bmrh » Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:15 pm


The subscription for MyETraining will expire in a few days - I am nearly at the end of the free 12 months.

What happens then? How can I renew it? How much is it?

(and seriously: why do I need to ask such a basic question here in a forum? I spend 15 minutes trying to find out how to buy a service from Elite! What kind of rubbish is that?? :x )

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Premium Renewal

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed Mar 27, 2019 12:23 pm

Sorry, too late... I suppose you already renewed it.
When the expire date is near, in the app you'll receive a message with all indications.
Or you can accede to premium section and you'll find the link to purchase the renewal.

To accede to premium sections:
  1. my e-training app: open left menu, select premium
  2. my e-training Desktop: click on rider icon, click on crown icon


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