Calculated watts "jumping" around

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Calculated watts "jumping" around

Postby LJdZ » Tue Oct 17, 2017 12:28 pm

I find the calculated watts to "jump" around quite a lot on my Elite Smart Turno trainer. When I try to maintain 200W over a period of time, it seems impossible! The watts will constantly drop with for instance 5-15 watts, or increase by 5-15 watts even though my speed is the same/consistent. The watts always keep changing even when holding the same speed. Is this normal, and just how the trainer and the calculated watts works, or could there be something wrong with the calibration?

Hope someone has an answer to this!

Kind regards!

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Calculated watts "jumping" around

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Oct 17, 2017 12:49 pm

As I wrote you in the previous post, it would be helpful to see the final graph of your training or to check the exported file of the training.
Please post the graph here or write to our customer care at to investigate the situation


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Re: Calculated watts "jumping" around

Postby LJdZ » Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:55 pm

Elite Admin S wrote:As I wrote you in the previous post, it would be helpful to see the final graph of your training or to check the exported file of the training.
Please post the graph here or write to our customer care at to investigate the situation


When doing a 15 min. "cool down" I tried to maintain 160W. The average power shows 160,7W which is good, but the highest power was 184W, and the lowest around 143W. How do the training files look. Does it seem OK?
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Elite Admin S
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Re: Calculated watts "jumping" around

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:44 am

It seems all correct. This fluctuations are absolutely normal.


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Re: Calculated watts "jumping" around

Postby LJdZ » Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:30 am

Elite Admin S wrote:It seems all correct. This fluctuations are absolutely normal.


That's good to hear! Thank you :)

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