Hope all Elite staff are ok

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Hope all Elite staff are ok

Postby stephen.r.gunn » Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:00 pm

Just wanted to say that, with Elite being based where it is, I hope all staff are well and ok.

All best wishes in these worrying times.

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Hope all Elite staff are ok

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue May 26, 2020 11:41 am

Hi Stephen

Thank you a lot for this message. Sorry to not have replied before.

I take this opportunity to tell you all that luckily no one here in Elite got the virus.
Elite from the very beginning of the emergency has put in place all the possible measure to avoid the contagion and this has worked.
The management worked hard to keep us safe, we have felt like a big family 8-)

Here in Italy the virus did hit hard, but we are well aware that it has stroken down all your countries as well.
We do believe that we can overcome this, all the world together.

Stay safe guys!

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