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Slope Inversion

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 8:40 am
by william.davey8
Struck a problem yesterday with slopes inverting.

While training in map mode I made about three pauses and then resumed training. After the third pause, about 20 km into the session, I suddenly noticed that the slope resistance control had inverted - negative slopes suddenly presented higher resistance than positive slopes. I tried pausing and resuming again in order to see if this would correct the problem but it did not. I then noted the distance traveled, 28 km, stopped the training session and re-started. By entering the distance I had noted, the session carried on from where I had stopped and the slopes had corrected themselves - positive slopes presented more resistance than negative slopes. I was able to finish the 50 km route this way. The disappointment, however, is that the stats for the route are not complete, and it makes monitoring performance improvement impossible.


Re: Slope Inversion

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 8:57 am
by william.davey8
Further to my earlier post, I am running MyEtraining on a Samsung Xcover 4 smart phone (model SM-G390F) running Android 9, and connected by Bluetooth to my TUO trainer.


Re: Slope Inversion

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:29 pm
by william.davey8
Its done it again!!!

This time with a different route map. At about 22 km into a 50 km route the slope control was inverted so that downhill became more difficult than uphill. To correct the problem I ended the session and re-started the route starting from the distance at which I had stopped. Then it was OK and it continued OK until the end.


Re: Slope Inversion

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 6:42 pm
by william.davey8
Its now over 2 weeks since the last post on this topic. Is an Administrator going to respond?

Re: Slope Inversion

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 8:45 am
by Elite Admin S

Sorry for the delay, Elite was closed for summer holidays.
Please remember that only the mail customer care service is guaranteed during holidays.

The behavior you describe is quite strange. I've done some test and I'm not able to reproduce it.
Which kind of training were you doing? Were you doing a myRealVideo or a map course? If you use program mode and select a slope/time program, do you have the same issue?

Are you sure to not have other devices connected to the trainer powered on during the training? For example a cyclecomputer (Garmin, Wahoo...)
Power also off any wireless device in the area to be sure that there's nothing interfering with the transmission.

Let me know the results of these tests