Request for power smoothing = 0

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Request for power smoothing = 0

Postby gaspie » Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:51 pm

There is a substantial lag between me stopping pedaling and my DIretoXR reporting correct power value = 0W. It takes at least 3-4 seconds for the trainer to notice that I'm NOT pedalling. If I'm riding at a 300W power level and suddenly stop pedalling, during the first second still 300W is reported, then some 100-150W and then (after 3 seconds) some 10-15W. I takes 4 seconds to reach zero!

The behaviour is the same for BLE and Ant+ FE-C connection. I already set power smoothing value = 1 in MyEtraining app. Yet it looks like DiretoXR is still smoothing and reporting false, sticky watts. This seriously impacts the in-game performance in Zwift, when a rider want to go into super-tuck position. The 3-4 delay is unacceptable for correct timing during the race.

I have 4iiii power meter on my bike and if I choose to use it as a power source instead of DIretoXR power and cadence are reported correctly, almost instantenously. So there must be something wrong with the trainer. Are those "sticky" watts from DiretoXR an error? Or is it intended power smotthing at minimal level = 1? If so, Is it possible to switch this feature entirely off (power smoothing = 0) so that power and cadence will be reported correctly?

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Re: Request for power smoothing = 0

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:05 am

Hi gaspbeanie

You have to consider that Direto measures power on the hub and not on the pedal.
When you stop pedaling, on the hub there's still power for some seconds and the internal sensor measures it (and show it on screen)


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Re: Request for power smoothing = 0

Postby gaspie » Thu Apr 15, 2021 8:13 am

I have ridden powertap hub in IRL for 10+ years. As soon as I stop pedalling there is NO POWER on the hub. Speed is still there but there is NO TORQUE coming from drivetrain. Zero torque times some speed equals zero power!
Certainly you are mistaken on this. Other smart trainers have no this issue anyway.
Can we have an official statement from Elite on this subject?

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Re: Request for power smoothing = 0

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:14 pm


On PowerTap you have a freewhell hub that interrupt completely (and immediately) the traction.
On Direto, instead, the hub is connected with the front pulley where there is still some friction for those seconds.
It's due to how the trainer works, we cannot change this.


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Re: Request for power smoothing = 0

Postby gaspie » Sat Apr 17, 2021 8:34 am

Friction cannot create power - it's actually loss of power. Whe rider stops pedalling there is no source of power for the trainer.
Wahoo trainers DO NOT have this problem. My competitors are able to go into super-tuck position immediately because their trainers do not register false power for a few seconds.

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Re: Request for power smoothing = 0

Postby gaspie » Sun Apr 25, 2021 11:03 am

It's interesting, that among Zwift requirements for going into supertuck position there is: power < 11W. @Elite Admin S, could you tell (if it's not a secret) if this has anything to do with the matter of this topic?

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Re: Request for power smoothing = 0

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed Apr 28, 2021 8:02 am

Hi gaspie

We don't know much about supertuck position honestly. It's a Zwift feature.
But we have scheduled some tests to see how it works and how much influence it has on a ride.

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Re: Request for power smoothing = 0

Postby david_darby » Thu Dec 09, 2021 4:33 pm

Getting into the Aero-Super Tuck position is the one area where Elite users are at a serious disadvantage.

Given that Zwift are not going to remove this element from its in game training/racing (following the UCI's ban on this position in real racing) could Elite not update firmware to address this problem? On a recent race on the Innsbruck shorter circuit, just after the "Leg Snapper" climb there is a short descent. While I was turning over 300 watts, other riders (presumably on other devices) were simply gliding past me whilst in the super-tuck position. I appreciate this is only virtual racing, but if several other riders have a distinct advantage, then this is an area that Elite really needs to improve.

While I love using my Direto XR, it is somewhat frustrating when other avatars come flying past without having to turn the pedals, simply by being in the super-tuck position and this is the only criticism I would have for the Direto XR.

So, please Elite. Surely this is something that can be improved upon??

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Re: Request for power smoothing = 0

Postby simon » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:42 pm

Agreed. This should be fixed. I've read several reviews that mention this and I know several people who bought other brands of trainers because of this one thing. And, as someone who does quite a few Zwift races, this is very annoying.

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Re: Request for power smoothing = 0

Postby steve.hammatt » Mon Jan 03, 2022 12:36 pm

Adding my voice to the requests for improvement here. Surely it's possible given that Wahoo trainers can instantly report low watts and therefore instantly go into supertuck when the rider stops pedalling.

A setting for this behaviour in My-eTraining would be great.

Please, Elite?

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