Direto XR problems with ERG mode

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby Dwhight » Sun Dec 12, 2021 11:31 pm

Elite Admin S wrote:@elite857

We have analyzed your case and the fluctuations present in your file are absolutely normal considering the variations of speed in your training session.


Here's an article about power fluctuations:
https://elitesrl.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/a ... illations-
If you still think that your oscillations are not normal considering the above article, please contact our support and we will ask you some test to check the situation

I have no problem with oscillations, what I have a problem with is a trainer that has oscillations consistently 10% below the targeted watts. For example I set ERG at 250 watts for 5 minutes, watts hover around 220-230 watts, cadence 80-90, i increase cadence slightly, power goes up to 250-260, power then goes down to 220-230. I get I don't pedal smoothly enough to keep to targeted watts, but how the hell can I do this if the trainer doesn't give me the right resistance for my targeted ERG watts in the first place.

I'll log a case.......

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby marcobonini » Thu Dec 16, 2021 7:28 pm

Hi, same issues here. After the update of the firmware, I try a workout in ERG mode. Compared to the previous firmware, at the start of the session in Z1 and high cadence for warmup (100w, 90 rpm), the Direto XR works fine. But once you start doing low cadence workout it was impossible to keep the right cadence for the required watts: the workout could be Z3 at 65 rpm but to get the Z3 I had to do 90-95 rpm.
Also, as time went by, for every rep in Z3, I had to increase the rpm, the last rep was 100/105 rpm.


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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby lukas.szumylo » Thu Dec 23, 2021 8:36 pm

I was hoping that my issue is unique and related with fact that no matter what I do in MyETraining when I try to calibrate, I am getting an error 'Calibration failed'.
It looks that it is not related with calibration :(

I am using Zwift and FTP Builder training with ERG Mode ON - it is nearly impossible to achieve a proper POWER during rest section. The goal says: 140 W and 85 rpm - I have 85 rpm (+-2) and POWER shows value around 110-120 W.

For such type of trainings (intervals) ERG Mode is useless for Direto XR-T

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby dcampanati » Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:29 pm

Hi friends. I were having the same problem. Here I have the last upgrade of the firmware and an elite direto XR-T. after testing witht a lot of combinations it seems work with the front gear at the smallest crow (34t in my case) and the bigger cassete cogs (21-23-25-28). this way with stable cadence the power seems to stabilize. A detail is that the optic power sensor has a really enormous sensibility so the trainer takes some work to stabilize the watts, but it is working. Tested at zwift, xert and my e-trining apps. I will test with trainerroad as soon as possible.the smooth compensation is atually seted to 6. Regards

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby kreutzer.daniel » Tue Jan 11, 2022 11:16 am


I do have a new Direto XR-T
I am struggling with the same problems. ERG mode is always off by 10%. Even if I can hold the RPM exactly as instructed, the trainer has some problems to hold the Watt.

This is crucial if I do have to hold 100 RPM and lets say 200Watt the trainer struggles to reach that 200 Watt. In most chases it is below by 40 or 50 Watt.

If I am riding on a lower cadence 70-75 or normal cadence 85-90 it is better still off by 10% but not as horrible as mentioned above.

I changed the power smoothing from 2 to 10 because previously with 2 I had even worse results.
Changing to 10 helped me to be more stable on the lower cadence and as I said it is only off by 10 % now. But for the high cadence part it is impossible to reach the instructed power.

Is there any problems by using the 4iiii as a cadence sensor or should I use the Direto as acadence sensor aswell?

What about only using the Direto as control and use the 4iiii as power source and cadence source?

What configurations are you guys using the train in ERG mode? 3sec or instant power in Zwift settings? Power smoothing 1 to 10? or even 0?

Thank you for the help

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby Dwhight » Tue Jan 11, 2022 8:31 pm

I have some good news. I logged a support case with Elite in relation to my Direto not holding desired watts in ERG mode, always below targeted watts by 10%, never over targeted watts. It took Elite a few weeks to reply, but that's fine, it was Xmas and covid issues, I understand, that's more than OK. They sent me an EEPROM update file to apply to the Direto. No explanation of why, no asking for more information or samples files. So I applied the update and I could tell immediately things have vastly improved. Watts are pretty stable in ERG mode, now records +/- under 5%, the important thing its over and under targeted watts, which is due to oscillations in cadence and power. This is exactly how I expected the trainer to work. I'm very happy now, the Direto is finally usable in ERG mode. Yippee.

Thank you Elite for fixing my problem. I should have raised a support case earlier, let that be a lesson to you all. It would be nice to know what the eeprom update has done and if this is a known problem, that will help others with similar issues.

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby kreutzer.daniel » Wed Jan 12, 2022 8:56 am

Dwhight wrote:I have some good news. I logged a support case with Elite in relation to my Direto not holding desired watts in ERG mode, always below targeted watts by 10%, never over targeted watts. It took Elite a few weeks to reply, but that's fine, it was Xmas and covid issues, I understand, that's more than OK. They sent me an EEPROM update file to apply to the Direto. No explanation of why, no asking for more information or samples files. So I applied the update and I could tell immediately things have vastly improved. Watts are pretty stable in ERG mode, now records +/- under 5%, the important thing its over and under targeted watts, which is due to oscillations in cadence and power. This is exactly how I expected the trainer to work. I'm very happy now, the Direto is finally usable in ERG mode. Yippee.

Thank you Elite for fixing my problem. I should have raised a support case earlier, let that be a lesson to you all. It would be nice to know what the eeprom update has done and if this is a known problem, that will help others with similar issues.

This sounds perfect, I already opened a ticket to get this update aswell.

Which settings are you using?

Power smoothing? (1-10)
Zwift settings? (3sec or instant)

also do you use a different cadence sensor or the integrated from the Direto?
Last edited by kreutzer.daniel on Wed Jan 12, 2022 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby steve.hammatt » Wed Jan 12, 2022 9:06 am

Dwhight wrote:I have some good news. I logged a support case with Elite in relation to my Direto not holding desired watts in ERG mode, always below targeted watts by 10%, never over targeted watts. It took Elite a few weeks to reply, but that's fine, it was Xmas and covid issues, I understand, that's more than OK. They sent me an EEPROM update file to apply to the Direto.

What is the version number of this new firmware?

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby Dwhight » Wed Jan 12, 2022 9:50 am

I don't think this eeprom update changed my firmware version number, it still shows as 078 which I'm pretty sure I was on before, I upgraded to this a few months ago through the app when it was released. My hardware revision is 005.

I have power smoothing set to 1 and zwift is instant. I don't think these make any difference to how the trainer responds, they just smooth out the reported watts. I use the Direto's cadence sensor.

I'm quite pleased with how it's working now, I've only tested on stable 4 minute intervals, when I next get chance I'll test on short intervals to see how quick it responds and holds the target watts.

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby kreutzer.daniel » Wed Jan 12, 2022 10:31 am

Dwhight wrote:I don't think this eeprom update changed my firmware version number, it still shows as 078 which I'm pretty sure I was on before, I upgraded to this a few months ago through the app when it was released. My hardware revision is 005.

I have power smoothing set to 1 and zwift is instant. I don't think these make any difference to how the trainer responds, they just smooth out the reported watts. I use the Direto's cadence sensor.

I'm quite pleased with how it's working now, I've only tested on stable 4 minute intervals, when I next get chance I'll test on short intervals to see how quick it responds and holds the target watts.

Thank you very much!!

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