Direto XR and Garmin Edge 530

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Direto XR and Garmin Edge 530

Postby rachel.webster » Sat Jan 15, 2022 8:50 pm

I have a Direto XR and Garmin Edge 530. My workouts are built in training peaks. Can my trainer pick up the workout plans and adjust the resistance for me to achieve the desired power?

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Re: Direto XR and Garmin Edge 530

Postby BB883 » Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:29 am

Yes for sure, you need to create a trainning (Don't know if import from TP is possible... Anyway, creating a fast copy of this trainning is fast and easy) in Garmin connect then export this trainning to your edge.
Then pair your trainner, select find a trainning then choose the one you created.
Just push start button as you do for an outdoor activity.
Direto will go in ERG mode to fit each step power target defined in your trainning.

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