Direto XR problems with ERG mode

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby hadimhosein » Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:26 pm


I started having this issue late November last year and have now gotten it fully resolved with the help of both Elite's and Zwift's tech support.

After all the checks with firmware and diagnostics different apps, a new board etc, the issue was found to be dried grease and lint buildup on the motor screw.

This was causing the motor to stutter and not position magnets correctly. Here's the link to my full post on my case and fix on the Zwift forums..
https://forums.zwift.com/t/erg-workout- ... /562842/18

Hope this helps

mark539 wrote:March 2023 - I am experiencing difficulties with direto XR in Erg mode using Zwift. The trainer sets resistance very high and does not drop resistance as I exceed target. For example with target 195W resitance, i am hitting 300+W at around 60rpm and there is no change from the trainer. In such a circumstance as the target increases, say to 240W, the trainer increases resistance, at which point I am unable to sustain that power output.

BTW I am using Apple TV and Zwift, so this is not the Zwift Windows problems reported in January.

I contacted support and elite have shared this set of checks for people. I have completed these checks and there is no problem reported by the checks.

May I ask you to make a couple of checks to better understand if there is something wrong?
Please could you please make the following test to better check what is wrong?
From My E-Training app go to Workouts -> Level Mode (it is a free function so you don't need an active annual subscription)
Click on Start and while you are pedalling change the level from 1 to 16 and check if you feel the resistance variation.

Moreover with the help of the video of this link:
Resistance Check On Interactive Trainers: https://elitesrl.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014596239-Resistance-Check-On-Interactive-Trainers?source=search
please take a video of the internal motor while you power on the trainer (start the video with trainer powered off) and a video of the stepping motor while you are changing progressively the resistance levels from My E-Training from 1 to 16 and from 16 to 1.

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby florian.woelfl86 » Sun Mar 19, 2023 2:00 pm

Thanks for also sharing similar issues.

I also contacted Elite-Support:
1. all my apps are up to date and also Firmware of trainer.
2. as I had 2 values offset I found Elite-Instruction on tensioning the belt again to requested +/- 1. Sad but true, this is not mentioned in my official manual/instruction => bad thing. So I tensioned the bed and I am exactly hitting the original Offset value on the bottom label
3. I did started the "trainer diagnosis" with the MyTrainerApp on iOS --> feedback from elite: no issue found
4. doing test with MyTrainerApp setting 100-150-100-200-100-250-100-300-100 each for 1 minute --> same result as described above. trainer set about 550 Watt instead of 250.
5. As also described in linked instruction video I unscrewed the cover on recommendation from Elite-Support to see motor in Start and during stepping through all 16 mode. --> no issue found
6. photo and video of belt also show no issue.

Now Elite Support asked to go for warranty return -> but my DiretoXR now is 2 years and 3 months. So no possibility through my local dealer. Now its on Elite support to check if something is possible. Since 1 week I wait for feedback if they change on goodwill.

My hint to reset Firmware was rejected by Elite Support. The Hint to renew lubrication of Motor-Screw I will try next days, maybe this helps.

Its a mess that Elite does not know how to handle this issue. Too much money spent on this device to just buy a "new" one. I am quite unhappy now with this Elite product. Support is fast but finally no solution. Hopefully it does not end here without solution and Elite closely out of warranty return!

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby florian.woelfl86 » Fri Mar 31, 2023 12:37 pm

Thanks to @hadimhosein!

Cleaning E-Motor threaded shaft with isopropanol and putting new grease fixed the issue with my DiretoXR.
Now I had 3 sessions with ERG-mode running perfect.

Sad but true, no reply from my Elite-Support contact even when they asked for my buying receipt from local dealer since 3 weeks... No reaction :(

hadimhosein wrote:Hello,

I started having this issue late November last year and have now gotten it fully resolved with the help of both Elite's and Zwift's tech support.

After all the checks with firmware and diagnostics different apps, a new board etc, the issue was found to be dried grease and lint buildup on the motor screw.

This was causing the motor to stutter and not position magnets correctly. Here's the link to my full post on my case and fix on the Zwift forums..
https://forums.zwift.com/t/erg-workout- ... /562842/18

Hope this helps

mark539 wrote:March 2023 - I am experiencing difficulties with direto XR in Erg mode using Zwift. The trainer sets resistance very high and does not drop resistance as I exceed target. For example with target 195W resitance, i am hitting 300+W at around 60rpm and there is no change from the trainer. In such a circumstance as the target increases, say to 240W, the trainer increases resistance, at which point I am unable to sustain that power output.

BTW I am using Apple TV and Zwift, so this is not the Zwift Windows problems reported in January.

I contacted support and elite have shared this set of checks for people. I have completed these checks and there is no problem reported by the checks.

May I ask you to make a couple of checks to better understand if there is something wrong?
Please could you please make the following test to better check what is wrong?
From My E-Training app go to Workouts -> Level Mode (it is a free function so you don't need an active annual subscription)
Click on Start and while you are pedalling change the level from 1 to 16 and check if you feel the resistance variation.

Moreover with the help of the video of this link:
Resistance Check On Interactive Trainers: https://elitesrl.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014596239-Resistance-Check-On-Interactive-Trainers?source=search
please take a video of the internal motor while you power on the trainer (start the video with trainer powered off) and a video of the stepping motor while you are changing progressively the resistance levels from My E-Training from 1 to 16 and from 16 to 1.

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby marco882 » Sun May 21, 2023 12:17 pm

BB883 wrote:
BB883 wrote:Update with a clear example :
Problems always occurs at the beginning of an activity (Zwift, Garmin, Elite App).

Stop pedaling seems to reset offset and sometimes solve the issue.
Defective motor / brake ? Impacted by low temperature ?

Regarding my issue, the problem seems to be related to the stepper motor loosing steps in a small range of magnet position.
When the power target is around this magnet range, stepper is becoming harder and harder until the magnets reach the end of the screw.
That’s why a reset (homing the magnet to the zero position) solves the issue.
Unfortunately i was not able to determine what make the magnet tray to be harder to pull in a specific location,
Lubing the plastic guides + stepper screw seems to help an solved my issues for several monthes, but problem is back.
Was thinking about enlarging space between magnets and flywheel to make it easier for the stepper.
Noticed that steps are lost only when pulling the magnet tray. When pushing to the harder side no problem.

Can this be a weak stepper ?

Should i try to increase magnet/flywheel space ?

Elite already sent me a replacement board with last hardware an it did not solved the issue.


I have exactly the same problem: the magnet tray moves perfectly when pushing from 1 to 16, but when pulling back from 16 to 1, the motor is struggling (blocking, noisy), and doesn't return to the initial position (1). The software "thinks" that the tray is at position 1, but in reality, the tray is far from 1. So by each test (1 to 16 and 16 to 1) the tray moves more and more in the 16s range (aka the more resistant zone). I opened a ticket and I'm waiting for instructions. How did you solve the problem?

Thank you,

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby kreutzer.daniel » Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:56 am

Has anyone already tested the new update, and if so, have they noticed any improvements in addressing the "spike and drop" issues?
Are there any reported problems or issues related to the "EPROM update" with the new update version 80?

Has anyone had experience with the new power smoothing feature?

I am currently quite satisfied with my Direto XR. After completing the setup and applying the EPROM update, its performance ranges from decent to quite good. I'm particularly interested in whether this update signifies a substantial improvement or if it has resulted in a similar experience as before.

Thank you.

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby thomas.luckner » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:27 pm

For me the update works perfect.
It is a great improvement

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby harri.ilmari.toivonen » Tue Sep 19, 2023 12:18 pm

Firmware update 78->80 removed my start resistance and ERG problems totally! Finally it's working as it should. ERG have litte delay (~3s) with bigger power target change, but no need to gear and different cadence can be used once target have fixed

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Re: Direto XR how switch into "ERG-Mode" ???

Postby bucher.forum » Fri Feb 07, 2025 3:41 pm


Everyone talks about "ERG mode", but nobody explains how to activate this mode ? :?

How can I switch in rouvy.com
from "normal" Mode (Simulation)
into "ERG-Mode" ???

or is there a possibility to switch by hardware Elite DIRETO XR-T ?

background to my question:

i have created a workout in rouvy.com

I have I programmed a workout by watt steps:
50, 80, 110, 140, etc..... watt

If I start workout by connected Elite DIRETO XR-T

my programmed watt value ex. 110 watt stay not stable !!

If I increase my cadence
the value of watt increases too !!

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby steve.hammatt » Sat Feb 08, 2025 8:25 am

Don't change your cadence. The trainer may take a few seconds to adjust the resistance to a new power level. If you pedal faster then it will decrease resistance because higher cadence needs less resistance to produce to same power.

So don't "chase" the power level. Keep a constant cadence, don't change gears and the trainer should adjust.

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