Left-right balance wrong

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Left-right balance wrong

Postby jokuha@icloud.com » Sat Dec 09, 2023 8:45 pm

Since the recent firmware update my Direto XR-T reports L/R balance to my training software (icTrainer), however, that is wrong half the time:-o

Over the last two weeks I've been dual recording using
* the Directo using the icTrainer software
* my Assioma Faveros (which I consider pretty much gold standard here) using a Wahoo Bolt

I've a Wahoo cadence sensor on the left crank arm and coupled that both to the Directo (ANT) as well as to icTrainer (Bluetooth).

I've run calibration spin down measurements a few times over the last weeks. They always come back with the same spin down value, which is constant for as long as I have the trainer (>2 years)

The power reported by the Direto is very good, typically within 1 % of the Assiomas, almost always within 2 %.
The cadence of the two recordings is practically identical (Wahoo sensor vs. Assioma values).

But the L/R reading of the Direto is crap!

That is, the "values" are probably right, but the assigment L vs. R switches many times during a workout. Currently, my L/R balance is roughly 60:40 due to a recent operation. The Assiomas wonderfully catch this in a nice line. The Direto reading jumps form 60:40 to 40:60 and back.

I understand that the trainer has to figure out what's L and R from some artifact... but my spider PMs (p2m, Magene) never have any problem with this. The Direto get's it wrong as often as not.

I attach a graph of todays recording from the trainer values.

As it is, it is even dangerous because it might not be so obviously wrong for others. In any case, if this is what one gets then I'd rather not have it guess these values. How can this be fixed?
Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 20.44.42.png
Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 20.44.42.png (51.02 KiB) Viewed 13797 times

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Elite Admin S
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Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2016 10:18 am

Re: Left-right balance wrong

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Dec 11, 2023 8:01 am


I suggest you to contact the support on this topic:


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