Resistance Stepper Motor

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Resistance Stepper Motor

Postby Declan » Tue Sep 21, 2021 10:01 pm

Is it possible for Elite to supply a new resistance Stepper motor to me for my Direto?

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Re: Resistance Stepper Motor

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:07 am


The replacement of the stepping motor on a Direto requires special equipment and experienced hand.
It's not something that a user can do.

Are you having problems with the stepping motor?
It's not a common problem, maybe the cause of your issue is somewhere else.
Can you describe the issue in details?


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Re: Resistance Stepper Motor

Postby Declan » Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:41 pm

Thankyou for your reply. My job is as a service engineer for office equipment so I have experience with this type of thing.

I have already removed the stepper motor and I can confirm that it does not turn even when out of the machine when I power the trainer on & off. I can turn it by hand but when the trainer is powered on the motor makes a buzzing sound, the same as it does when installed in the machine and will not move.

I've searched the Internet for a replacement but I'm struggling to find one. I was hoping that Elite would supply me one.

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Re: Resistance Stepper Motor

Postby Declan » Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:05 pm

Please see the below video.
This is the same even with the new circuit board that you kindly supplied to me.

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Re: Resistance Stepper Motor

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:52 am

Hi Declan

Can you please check the soldering in the point in which the cables connect to the motor?
If they are ok, the problem seems again on the electronic board.
Just for other people reading this, our electronic board uses a driver which is sensible to static discharges. This means that the electronic board must be handled with care (possibly avoiding to touch the surface and handle it by the sides).

We can send you a new one if the problem is that. But there is a major issue.
As you have removed the stepping motor, you've probably affected the magnets position. This means that the accuracy of the trainer is no more guaranteed. Probably it will be necessary a repair in our factory.
As you are already in contact with one of our technician, follow the instructions that he will give you.


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Re: Resistance Stepper Motor

Postby Declan » Thu Sep 23, 2021 12:22 pm

Elite have already sent me a new board and this new one produces exactly the same result, it will not move the stepper motor. The magnets etc I can replace in the exact same position as they were before removal.

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Re: Resistance Stepper Motor

Postby eric_stearns » Sat Feb 03, 2024 1:43 pm

I am having the exact same problem. It’s not a board issue it is the motor. When the motor goes to actuate or move the magnets it just hums/buzzes and does not move the magnets. If I tap the motor while it is making a sound it will move the magnets but it is weak. 100% a motor issue. I would also like to change out the motor in fact the motor needs to be changed in order for me to be able to use the trainer as the magnets randomly get stuck in a too easy to pedal position or a too hard to pedal position.

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Re: Resistance Stepper Motor

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:42 am

Hi Eric

Please contact our support to solve the problem:

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Re: Resistance Stepper Motor

Postby paul.canham124 » Fri Jan 31, 2025 5:51 pm

Hi, I too have problems with ny won't release the break it goes from 7 to 16 resistance on the app, but won't come back down from 7 to 1, I bought a new circuit board £80 from elite, it was not that. I was e-mailing elite for weeks, kept saying grease the screw multiple times! Which I did, I wonder if the screw his turning slipping on the shaft? I've had the trainer apart covers off, there was a bit of magnet hanging off, the magnets, they are quite power full. Ever thing else looked OK, I wonder if a RC model shop will have a stepper motor. I bought a new directo from halfords that's gone back today it was clattering on 10% my money back, only had it 3 months. My previous directo was 4 years old.

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Re: Resistance Stepper Motor

Postby paul.canham124 » Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:37 pm

Does not require specialist knowledge! I've stripped mine today my 4 year old, directo x, 2/2/2025 took the stepper motor out, by removing the fly wheel, to get to the (Carrier magnets) to take carrier off to get to the two tiny screws holding the cheap motor on. Mine was making a right noise on start-up, no resistance, on zwit, other week it was stuck on too much resistance previously, No specialist tools needed, double lock nut the pully side to undo the fly wheel nut! Bit off heat, and it pulled off by hand.That was only hard part. I've emailed elite for a new stepper motor. Only other thing I noticed was on the magnet carrier there's a a small micro switch on the bottom left it activates the motor and moves the carrier magnets away from flywheel, I presume this his for on start up so the resistance his free, there's two black wires that go to the circuit board, a very small connecter a white block, the block his loose on the board, weather that's also the cause I don't know, I have a new circuit board. I bought from elite £ I marked the magnet carrier with Tipex before disassembly and took photos to show position of that and the screw wich goes back and forth.

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