Direto power off by around 50 watts

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Re: Direto power off by around 50 watts

Postby raphnou » Fri May 18, 2018 11:37 am

Elite Admin S wrote:With Direto, you have to check the offset you get at the end of calibration.
If it is more than 5 points lower than the original one, you have to tighten the belt.

Please, when you tighten the belt, do 1 turn at time of the guide pulley. No more. Then, check again the offset.
NEVER exceed the original value (otherwise, it means that you're tightening the belt too much and you risk to damage it).

Thank you Admin for this explanation

Where is the adjustment screw?
Can we have a tutorial?

On the manual it is well described the need to adjust the belt after heavy training, but there is no explanation to achieve this setting be same.

If this is a basic maintenance to realize from time to time, it would be interesting to know the procedure.

Thanks again to the admin Elite who regularly answers our questions

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Re: Direto power off by around 50 watts

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon May 21, 2018 8:42 am

I've checked and indeed in the latest user manual the instructions have been removed (sorry, I didn't notice).

An explanation is needed here :geek:

Tightening the belt is not a normal maintenance operation. It is needed only in particular cases.
In the first version of the user manual, there were all the instructions on how to do this operation.
But lately, we discovered that some users have abused of this operation and at the end they have damaged the trainer.

That's why our technical office has decided to remove the instructions.
The idea is that tightening the belt must be an operation agreed with us, after a careful analysis of the situation.

So, if you think you need to do it, contact the customer care at myetraining@elite-it.com and explain the situation. The technicians there will send you all the instructions. Consider my previous words as a "preview" of what you'll be asked to do.

Be patient guys, we simply don't want you to damage the trainers.

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Re: Direto power off by around 50 watts

Postby squizza » Mon May 21, 2018 2:51 pm

Elite Admin S wrote:With Direto, you have to check the offset you get at the end of calibration.
If it is more than 5 points lower than the original one, you have to tighten the belt.

Please, when you tighten the belt, do 1 turn at time of the guide pulley. No more. Then, check again the offset.
NEVER exceed the original value (otherwise, it means that you're tightening the belt too much and you risk to damage it).

Hi, how do I tighten the belt? My trainer is reading about 50 watts lower as well, same as the rest of this thread. Offset value of 6523 (bottom) vs 6517 (calibrated). Is this a regular maintenance task that I need to do? I've only had the trainer for about 2 months, this exercise will become quite tedious if it is...

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Re: Direto power off by around 50 watts

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue May 22, 2018 8:22 am


contact the customer care at myetraining@elite-it.com.
As I wrote above, some users have damaged their trainer by not following the exact procedure, so please ask instructions to our technicians.


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Re: Direto power off by around 50 watts

Postby raphnou » Sat May 26, 2018 10:05 am


It's surprising, a maintenance task and every time we will have to call the consumer support ?!
What are you doing! Statistics to know how much Direto will be adjusted by the customers?
I pity those who are able to develop significant powers and who will have to adjust the Direto's belt more often than others, nevertheless everyone will go through this stage, because even those who are not powerful will one day or another be forced to adjust this belt, if it does not break in the meantime ...

I have doubts about the life of the Direto,
Does Elite make available to its customers the references of the belts and other wear parts that will have to be changed after the guarantee? I would like to hear you on this point ...


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Re: Direto power off by around 50 watts

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon May 28, 2018 9:58 am


this is NOT a standard maintenance operation. Tighten the belt is a totally exceptional operation.
That's why we ask you to do it only under our supervision and only after we've verified that it is needed.

About the spare parts, don't worry about this. We always continue the assistances on our trainers for years after the warranty expiration, giving hte spare parts if needed or providing solutions.

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Re: Direto power off by around 50 watts

Postby raphnou » Thu May 31, 2018 2:26 pm

Elite Admin S wrote:Guys,

this is NOT a standard maintenance operation. Tighten the belt is a totally exceptional operation.
That's why we ask you to do it only under our supervision and only after we've verified that it is needed.

About the spare parts, don't worry about this. We always continue the assistances on our trainers for years after the warranty expiration, giving hte spare parts if needed or providing solutions.

Hello Elite,

But if this setting must remain exceptional, what is it? A belt incorrectly set at the factory?

On my Direto I check from time to time, but it drops every time.

Yesterday I made the calibration and I am at 6484 after a Zwift session of 1 hour and for an original value of 6491 ...

Yet I'm not doing anything exceptional for the moment with the Direto, I traveled about 700km in Zwift in ERG mode.

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Re: Direto power off by around 50 watts

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:26 am

We check the tension of the belt unit by unit here in our factory.
But it may happen - especially with time - that the belt loose a little bit of power, due to usage. This will cause a drop in the offset value.

In your case, I don't think this is the problem (it's not possible that the belt is loosing continuously its tightness).
Are you sure that the screw that block the spring guide pulley is well fixed?
Give it a check

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Re: Direto power off by around 50 watts

Postby raphnou » Mon Jun 04, 2018 5:52 pm

Elite Admin S wrote:We check the tension of the belt unit by unit here in our factory.
But it may happen - especially with time - that the belt loose a little bit of power, due to usage. This will cause a drop in the offset value.

In your case, I don't think this is the problem (it's not possible that the belt is loosing continuously its tightness).
Are you sure that the screw that block the spring guide pulley is well fixed?
Give it a check

I have never adjusted the belt since I bought the Direto.

I only calibrate once a week with MyETraining and I noticed that every time I did the calibration the value decreased by -1, now I am at 6484 while the label of the direto indicates 6491

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Re: Direto power off by around 50 watts

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:43 am

Sorry, I didn't understand.
Probably the belt is adapting. If you don't feel any slippage or power variations, wait some other time and let's see if it stops decreasing.
Otherwise, please contact the customer care at myetraining@elite-it.com to investigate the situation.

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