Direto, simulate larger chain rings

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Direto, simulate larger chain rings

Postby ftalat » Wed May 23, 2018 9:34 am

The bike I have on my Direto has 50/34 front chain rings and I'm using a 11/28 cassette. So on flat zwift routes I'm almost exclusively using 50-11. Is there any way to adjust the Direto settings such that the overall resistance increases? I'd like to avoid wearing out my 11 ring, and often I feel like the cadence is too high when on 50-11 (I'm a slow pedaler:)).

I should probably switch to larger chain rings, but they're expensive. Also, 50/34 is perfect for me in the "real" world. I don't think this is a setting in Zwift.

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Re: Direto, simulate larger chain rings

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed May 23, 2018 9:42 am

Hi ftalat

So, you're saying that the trainer seems to not do enough resistance?
Please do this test. Run my e-training app this time and do the same training (ride on a flat) and let me know if you have the same feeling or not.

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Re: Direto, simulate larger chain rings

Postby ftalat » Wed May 23, 2018 2:37 pm

Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I'm sure the trainer gives very realistic results. However, due to (relatively) small chain rings, the pedaling cadence on the flats is somewhat high. This is the same for the e-training app when riding on a flat. So this isn't the trainers fault, but rather my fault for buying too small chain rings. But since the resistance is virtual anyway, I hoped that there was some setting I could adjust. For example, add 1% grade to the current grade, or similar. Maybe adjust the circumference of the (virtual) wheel?

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Re: Direto, simulate larger chain rings

Postby raphnou » Wed May 23, 2018 4:42 pm

ftalat wrote:Sorry, I wasn't very clear. I'm sure the trainer gives very realistic results. However, due to (relatively) small chain rings, the pedaling cadence on the flats is somewhat high. This is the same for the e-training app when riding on a flat. So this isn't the trainers fault, but rather my fault for buying too small chain rings. But since the resistance is virtual anyway, I hoped that there was some setting I could adjust. For example, add 1% grade to the current grade, or similar. Maybe adjust the circumference of the (virtual) wheel?


After the installation of Zwift did you verify that it was 100% of the resistance of the trainer? Because for me it was 50%, I had to make the adjustment to 100%

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Re: Direto, simulate larger chain rings

Postby ftalat » Thu May 24, 2018 10:53 am

Do you mean Zwift's "Trainer difficulty" setting? I have that at 100%. But that does not affect the resistance when flat, only when climbing. 0% means that it is always flat (you still have to put out the same wattage, only in different gear).

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