DIRETO XR wattage seems low

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DIRETO XR wattage seems low

Postby piotrolejnik88 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 10:26 am

Hello everyone! Two weeks ago I have upgraded from my Elite Evo to Direto XR unit. I have calibrated the trainer (the offset value seems to be off by 2-3 points comparing to the factory value written on the bottom of the unit) and since then I noticed my average wattage is lower by around 50 watts comparing to what I used to measure on my Evo. A friend of mine owns Direto X and there the wattage looks similar to the Evo output. I have compared my average values from couple of zwift races, so the effort was more or less alike (and close to my max). Anybody else experiencing similar behavior? I am really frustrated since I bought the trainer mainly for zwift racing.

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Re: DIRETO XR wattage seems low

Postby nilssv » Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:56 pm

I´ve got the same problem. The trainer shows 40w lower than my Stages power meter shows. My old trainer swoed same value as the powermeter

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Re: DIRETO XR wattage seems low

Postby genovesi.andrea » Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:14 pm

After update my direto XR to the firmware 73, seems that I have the same problem. I did the FTP test tonight with my E-training app and I scored 35watt less than my previous FTP (3 months ago with another device). Sounds very strange, cause in the last period I did races and training, so It should be more or less the same.
Of course I did the calibration and the results Is exactly the same of the value under the trainer.

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Re: DIRETO XR wattage seems low

Postby daniel.casey4 » Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:50 pm

Just bought the direto XR and it's about 30-50 what's low probably some sort of scaling issue as seems better at low watts.

Comparing to vector 3s, attempting to calibrate several times with recommended time warm ups etc.

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Re: DIRETO XR wattage seems low

Postby david_meyerowitz » Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:49 pm

Hi All,

Ive had the same problem. My Stages reads 40-50 watts higher as does my Quark spider meter on my other bikes.

Has anyone found the solution to this as it feels over time this is getting worse. I need to recalibrate which I will do tonight but the number always stays the same. I do regular spin down calibrations in Zwift also and firmware is up to date.

I have no problems with ERG just the wattage readings. I lost 35 watts on my previous FTP when i switch to this trainer from my previous BKool unit.

I look forward to any feedback.

Kind Regards,

David Meyerowitz

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Re: DIRETO XR wattage seems low

Postby prozorowicz » Tue Dec 01, 2020 9:53 am

I have no such problem. The power measurement from the XR is perfect.
I did a test of 100W / 200W intervals (gear 36/17) with power equalization 10. The legs feel different than what you can see on the power numbers taken from the trainer, so I verified it with the power measurement in the crank. Power2Max also has internal averaging (probably 2-3s), hence the measurement is already a bit even, but it is interesting to compare the pure P2M measurement with the average 10 measurement in the Direto XR:
Comparing the interval with the power compensation parameter "1" and the data recorded by Power2Max:
You can see that the measurements with their mileage practically do not differ (I did not calibrate P2M, hence a slight downward difference, when I calibrate P2M, the measurements are very similar), and if we compare the last two graphs, you can see a slight difference in stabilization in favor of the first (second) plot, where the braking power is stabilized based on a large power averaging, but this is not such a difference as can be seen from the power data itself reported from the Direto XR.

Comparing to the power estimated in Elite Evo may not make any sense. Stages may (but does not have to) misjudge, due to the measurement of only the left leg (may be stronger) and doubling the values. Quark or Vector measurements can be the reference base for measurements. Did you calibrate the trainer correctly after warming it up (even after training)?

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Re: DIRETO XR wattage seems low

Postby blinzi » Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:26 pm

Hey, i just purchased a Direto XR and immediately updated the FW so i have no comparison.

It seems that my unit also shows low wattage compared to my Favero Pedals - about 20-30 watts lower.

was climbing a steep hill (12%) with 60 rpm on 36/30 rings and only did average of 200 watts where my pedals gave me a 226.

I had an Elite Turno before and it was reading a bit higher than my Faveros.

in ERG Mode it seems to be okay though, its only reading about 3 watts lower on average.

should i contact support?

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Re: DIRETO XR wattage seems low

Postby rederik1979 » Mon Dec 28, 2020 10:46 am

I have same problem but my direto xr have +20 watt respect at my vector 3 pedals.

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Re: DIRETO XR wattage seems low

Postby krusimax » Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:15 am

Same problem here, following.

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Re: DIRETO XR wattage seems low

Postby jarkko.niemi » Mon Jan 18, 2021 7:20 am

Same issue here, following

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