Select data to be broadcasted

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Select data to be broadcasted

Postby mats » Sun Jan 24, 2021 1:16 pm

I just unpacked my Direto XR, and immediately was disappointed (but not surprised) by the connection to my Polar watch.
I hoped that the trainer would have broadcasted the actual speed, and not just number of revolutions.
And as many other noted, Polar sucks in this area because wheel size less than 1000 is not valid (idiotic).
The sensor connected to my watch is one combined speed/cadence/power. Where two are fine and one a fantasy.

Now to the question: Is there a way to configure what data to be broadcasted by protocol?
I want only power and cadence to be sent over Bluetooth and power, cadence and power to be sent over Ant+.

Is that doable?


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