Direto calibration

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Direto calibration

Postby kdviner » Wed Oct 18, 2017 10:38 pm

Windows using ANT+ everything works well, but when I try to calibrate I enter 2133 for circumference and enter but the value always remains 175. Of course, that circumference of 175 will not let me calibrate the unit. What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:00 am


It's correct, as the software do a calculation related to the internal ratio of the trainer (the same you do if you connect a non elite app or device - circumference/12.1)


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Re: Direto calibration

Postby kdviner » Thu Oct 19, 2017 2:39 pm

OK. But when I try to do the calibration with the value at 175, no matter how fast I pedal, it tells me to increase speed. In short, I cannot calibrate. This is with 50/12 and rpm above 120. How can i calibrate the unit?

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby anyglad » Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:02 am

Are you first warming up the Direto by pedaling for ~10 minutes? While the Direto does not require a spin up or spin down calibration on every use like other trainers, I found that it would not let me calibrate directly out of the box and I received the same pedal faster messages when trying to calibrate. My recommendation - power on the trainer, start pedaling for about 10 minutes, then launch the calibration from the app or desktop and it should calibrate in a few seconds.

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby kdviner » Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:11 pm

Thanks for the reply.
I did warm up for 10 minutes. Oddly, I found that it will calibrate when using bluetooth with my iPhone, but not with Windows and Ant+.
I much prefer Windows with a larger screen.
I will warm up for 10 minutes and try again on the Windows app.
So, if I can calibrate with ios app (via bluetooth) does that also mean I am calibrated on windows with Ant+?

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby kdviner » Sat Oct 21, 2017 3:43 pm

So it turns out that calibrating Direto with the ios app also calibrates it for other apps.
And BTW for the Elite admins, it calibrated fine with the ios app with wheel size set to 700C 25mm (2133) not the 175 that the Windows app kept forcing.

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby lukas_borjes » Wed Nov 08, 2017 9:37 pm

So, in trainerroads, when asked for wheel circumference, should i enter 2305mm (29er x 2.2) or 2305/12,1)= 190mm???

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby santimillanm.29 » Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:50 pm

I'm new with the Direto and i could not find where do i have to go to calibrate. Can someone explain me where is in the menus?

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Nov 23, 2017 10:23 am


on my e-training app or software, you have to use 2305mm.
On non elite devices or app (like Garmin), you have to use 190mm

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Nov 23, 2017 10:24 am


you can find the option in the advanced settings.
Be sure to not select an external power sensor, otherwise the calibration option won't appear.


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