Trainer support legs

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Trainer support legs

Postby ilari.koivusalo » Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:14 am

I need answer to this:
If I put my trainer to rockerplate that requires that trainer legs are NOT opened fully wide as they usually should be opened on the floor, but trainer is properly fixed to rockerplate.
So, does side support legs while fully opened also support and make stiffer the frame of trainer?
Do I break something if legs are not fully opened?

I need an answers to this, not guesses!

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Joined: Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:10 am

Re: Trainer support legs

Postby ymarti.ymarti » Wed Oct 13, 2021 3:15 pm

Just my experience.

Trainer must be used as usual, RP or Not RP! Then leg fully opened!

And if I can add my thinking:

1) RP are not supported by Elite. Is difficult to have demonstration about their usage also with legs not fully opened. To many variables! RP used, your potence etc!

2) this is a forum, respect first for all users! What is "I need an answers to this, not guesses!"? Try and if you broke the necessary for new tranier. No doubts!



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