Direto calibration

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby devinknickerbocker » Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:38 pm

Hi all, this is a super helpful thread.

I have a question, and that is, the first time i calibrated my trainer was after about 4 months of use, and in that time, the offset number had shifted by 8 points (and the resistance was "off" versus my Stages). So, I followed the procedure to tighten the drive belt, and everything worked great and the wattage / resistance was back to being very accurate.

However, two months later I calibrated again, and the offset number had again drifted, this time by roughly 5 or 6 points. Is this normal for it to slip so quickly? Did i do maybe not tighten the bolt enough when I fixed it last time?


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Re: Direto calibration

Postby garthly » Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:17 am

So where did you find this “procedure to tighten the drive belt”? I don’t know where I am supposed to find such information. I see a video posted by someone on youtube, but apart from a 5 mm Allen key to unlock the adjuster, it is not clear what tool I should use to do the actual adjustment. Any info gratefully received.

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby apditangco » Mon May 18, 2020 5:08 am

What is the first step in adjusting? Loosen the sides first?
Am i reading the value right? Is it 6442?
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Re: Direto calibration

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon May 18, 2020 2:55 pm

Hi guys

@apditangco, the value on the label is 6442. This means that your offset value is under of only 6 points.

It's normal to have a decrease in the offset value. It is due to the fact that the belt is adapting to the mechanic of the trainer.
There is a problem only if the decrease happens and at the same time you notice one of these issues: sudden drop in power, strange noise, slipping at high power. Only in this case you have to tighten the belt.

As the procedure of tightening the belt is a little delicate, we prefer to be contacted (myetraining@elite-it.com). We will give you complete instructions after verifying that the situation requires this operation


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