Direto XR problems with ERG mode

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby nenadjev » Wed Oct 27, 2021 6:13 pm

Fixed with Andrea from support

Chart 1: Zoom of 3 min interval with 333w from GoldenCheetah (lap 6 from picture below)
Chart 2: 30 min training with PerfPro Studio Truuli -2. Intervals was 3m@336w, 3min@333w, 1min@400w, 1min@430w
Capture1.JPG (26.96 KiB) Viewed 23861 times
Capture.JPG (44.25 KiB) Viewed 23861 times

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby schiri-schmidt » Thu Oct 28, 2021 12:16 pm

Hi nenadjev,
can you tell me how exactly you could solve your problem?
I am facing the same behavior and support could not help me so far.

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby nenadjev » Thu Oct 28, 2021 12:22 pm

nenadjev wrote:
nenadjev wrote:
adam.kapala wrote:Am I the only one who finds cadence sensor readings more than unreliable? I've just took GOAT session in The Sufferfest and to my surprise power targets were much overshoot at the very beginning (like 380W instead of 330W) or after few seconds it was impossible to reach power targets (close to given cadence max power was sth like 270-280 instead of 330). During recovery intervals app was showing cadence like 44-49, when I've felt like it was 80-90 and the target was 90 — power target of course were impossible to meet. Afer stopping and pedalling again sensor seemed to be adding additional 40 rpm in a magical way. Throughout whole workout neither power nor cadence targets were even approachable. Frankly speaking my old other trainer — tacx flow delivers better experience when data reliability are considered. Also in my view problem was more vivid during bluetooth connection than ant+ (I've switched after first interval). Next time I'll try with independent cadence sensor and see it it helps. Using just normal (not ERG mode) everything seems to be working just fine.

I've just bought Direto XR and I have similar problem with power when I step into interval, targets are much overshoot at the very beginning of interval maybe 20% or more than target. Did you solve it?

@Elite Admin S
Definitely I have problem with power when I step into interval with large power difference. During the first effort of 90 sec or more the Direto XR deviated from the target by 20-30%!
On the other hand long intervals and intervals with a small difference in strength are very stable and very smooth.
I am using Direto with PerfPro Studio.
Please see images below. First two images are training with Direto XT and third is training with Flux S, both with PerfPro Studio. I sold my old Flux S and bought a brand new Direto XRT and I was think it will be an improvement and that I am taking a step forward, but now I am confused.

Direto XR
13.10.2021. 20-14 - nenadjev.jpg
11.10.2021. 20-01 - nenadjev.jpg

Flux S
10.10.2021. 18-01 - nenadjev.jpg

Fixed with Andrea from Elite support

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby schiri-schmidt » Thu Oct 28, 2021 5:30 pm

Hey nenadjev,
thanks for your quick reply.
Can you give me some details what needed to be done?
I was in contact with Elite support for more than 3 months last winter and they could not solve the issue, therefore I would like to avoid contacting the support again. Just made a lot of effort so far, but no improvement...

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby nenadjev » Thu Oct 28, 2021 5:46 pm

schiri-schmidt wrote:Hey nenadjev,
thanks for your quick reply.
Can you give me some details what needed to be done?
I was in contact with Elite support for more than 3 months last winter and they could not solve the issue, therefore I would like to avoid contacting the support again. Just made a lot of effort so far, but no improvement...

I sent mail as I been instructed on previous page. I had quick respond same day. We did couple tests for couple days with different settings and I got some update file for my trainer, and after that one file more with final correction. All if this took 10 days.

Once more, I had great support from Elite.

Please see my first post on previous page, I do not know do you have same problem.

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby miareckim03 » Thu Nov 11, 2021 10:38 pm

Hello I have a prity same problem. When i buy my new direto xr-t and start riding I take note lower power readings. Before on my old direto x and my inpeak power metter I have a 260 watts FTP when now i have 220 watts. I dont know what I can do? Complaint if I can do something about it? Thanks for help


Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby hacksau » Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:11 am

I too feel my power is down. I do not have access to another power meter and my old trainer was a dumb trainer so I don’t have real comparison. But I feel there needs to be some adjustment made across the board for some diretos??? Some people say it’s right on but clearly there are a number that must be off— and low. I would like to somehow get an update that makes them equal????

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby elite857 » Sun Dec 05, 2021 9:18 pm


bought the Elite XR-T one week ago with the main goal to do Workout in Erg-Mode on Zwift. I thought a Trainer with this accurate Powermeter would perform very good on that. But I have he same Issues you all discussed here. Massive Power-oscillations that make ergmode-training impossible. Before the direto had a simple Tacx Vortex, that simply keeps the watts constant. I just cant understand how the direto can´t do that!
I also found that even in the elite App itself, starting a simple power-time-program, the resistance does not hold the given wattage! Connecting the Vortex with the elite-App, wattage is perfectly stable!

I have done everything that was discussed here:

- upgaded to Firmware 078
- switched from 3 sec. average to instantly in zwift
- using the smallest gear on the front wheel
- of course trainer is calibrated after a ten minute ride and result is a deviation from only one

I have a ticket running at elite, i send by E-Mail, because ticketing-System at https://support.elite-it.com/de/ticket sems not to work when submitting the ticket.

My question: is here anybody who had these issues realy be resolved by the elite support, eg. by a custom firmware? So that Ergmode is possible how it should be, with acceptable resistance-stability?

If this can´t be resolved, i won´t keep the direto.

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby Dwhight » Tue Dec 07, 2021 8:42 pm

elite857 - You describe exactly the problem I have. I too had a Vortex and although I accept the actual watts may not have been accurate as it doesn't have a power meter, nevertheless the resistance and claimed watts kept to constant and I could work out happily in ERG mode.

Since "upgrading" to the Elite Direto XRT this has not been the case. I'm more than happy with the trainer in normal mode but ERG is just too variable to be usable. You just cannot keep to a constant resistance and watts no matter how smooth you try to pedal, what front or back ring you are in. Watts are generally 10% plus under your desired ERG watts, which means you then try to pedal harder, resistance goes up, watts go up, resistance goes down, watts go down, you just cannot maintain a consistent watts, it's impossible.

I also have access to a wattbike at work, with power meter, and I can tell you I can hold reasonably consistent watts without ERG, within a few %, so I'm quite sure I know how to pedal!

So many people reporting this problem I cannot believe this is not a general trainer issue.

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:44 am


We have analyzed your case and the fluctuations present in your file are absolutely normal considering the variations of speed in your training session.


Here's an article about power fluctuations:
https://elitesrl.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/a ... illations-
If you still think that your oscillations are not normal considering the above article, please contact our support and we will ask you some test to check the situation

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