Pulley nut removal and recalibration

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Pulley nut removal and recalibration

Postby haigh.ian » Wed Oct 14, 2020 2:17 am


I have a noise coming from my Direto, for which support are asking that I remove the nut behind the red fan and apply loctite to the small metal pulley. I'm having issues with the instructions and the job, was hoping someone may have gone through this and have some tips:
    *I cannot move the nut behind the red fan. I was advised to use the flywheel nut for leverage, but the flywheel nut came lose first. Any tips on how to remove the nut? When you turn it it turns the flywheel, and trying to hold the flywheel is too hard, plus the nut is quite thin so under force the spanners slips off easily. I don't want to damage the nut too much.
    *After the job they say to recalibrate the trainer, but the 'offset' value will have changed from what is written underneath the trainer..... but they don't tell me how to ascertain the new offset value. Any ideas?

Elite have been very helpful to some extent, but the translated instructions, and gaps in 'how' are making the job impossible for me. I appreciate that they have a solution to my problem, but I need the right instructions and tips to enable me to execute.

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Re: Pulley nut removal and recalibration

Postby haigh.ian » Sat Oct 24, 2020 8:50 pm

I got this done, so if anyone needs to do this in the future just ask. Probably easy for a practical person, I was just very careful on where and when to apply too much force.

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Re: Pulley nut removal and recalibration

Postby bigtalljonathan » Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:53 pm

I'm just going through this now and have ended up taking it back to the retailer after confirming with the distributors that they'd get it looked at. I had the issue where the whole spindle was turning and the fan was staying still. I had a spanner slim enough but couldn't get the fan off and I am pretty practical and have serviced my own cars that kind of thing so know where to put the force and how to apply it.

Is your problem a knocking noise that happens more often than one rotation of the big grey plastic flywheel thing?

If so could be the same as mine - I'm intrigued if anyone has fixed it following their directions as the knocking seems to be coming from somewhere else and if they'd used the right thread/stud lock in there in the first place it shouldn't move - unless you heat it up to a very high temperature. Or the machining/manufacturing tolerances could be out of spec.

It should have a sticker on the bottom with month and year - wondering of there are a number from a batch...

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Re: Pulley nut removal and recalibration

Postby haigh.ian » Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:22 am

I managed to get the nut and small pulley removed. Loosened the fan to make enough space for the spanner, held the flywheel tight and gave the sapanner a few hits..... to get the small pulley off I carefully leveraged it with a screwdriver to get it moving.

After completing the repair I put everything back together, with the metal pulley Loctited in place, but the noise was still there.

Elite have continued to be super helpful despite absence of warranty (2.5 years old). They say it's probably bearings that are in need of replacement. They will send me parts, I just need to get some help to fit them.

I have read that the repair I did has worked very well for others to repair their knocking sound.

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