new Direto XR just bought, been using for 3 days now.
Day 1, calibrated with my E-Training app (Android phone) with Firmware 67 on Direto XR, using standard procedure (10 minutes using trainer then calibration).
Calibration successful, offset received on my e-training APP 6544, calibration factory value on the sticker below my Direto XR 6545
Note: even with these very close figures in calibration, difference in W with my Assioma Duo was high (Direto XR recording 10% higher than Assioma Duo in 3 different workouts in the first 2 days)
Day 2, after the 3 workouts at night I read on this forum that Firmware v.73 vas released.
I apply firmware update through my e-training APP via smartphone, everything goes fine, firmware updated to 73
Day 3
in the morning, I tried to calibrate again (given the new firmware, I thought it was advisable)
Used again the standard procedure, 10 minutes on the trainer and then calibration through my e-training APP via android smartphone.
The app tells me to go up to 33 km/h, than "wait for the results" (for a while), then "Calibration failed"
Try a second time later in the day, same "Calibration failed" result
Tried a third time at night, using my e-training Desktop APP instead (ANT+ and Windows 10 PC, the APP sees the trainer correctly): same "Calibration failed" result
This makes me think of a problem between new firmware v.73 and existing software, at least in my case.
Has any other user who has applied v.73 firmware update experienced the same problem?
Elite administrators, what do you say?
Direto XR always showing "Calibration Failed" after firmware update to v.73
Moderators: Elite Admin M, Elite Admin S
Re: Direto XR always showing "Calibration Failed" after firmware update to v.73
Hi Valtro,
I've installed the fw 073 and I could calibrate via smartphone app with no issue.
Version of the app is 2.9.1 updated 30 sept 2020...
Hope this can help in some way.
I've installed the fw 073 and I could calibrate via smartphone app with no issue.
Version of the app is 2.9.1 updated 30 sept 2020...
Hope this can help in some way.
Re: Direto XR always showing "Calibration Failed" after firmware update to v.73
Version of the app is the same here (2.9.1)
Your trainer is connected with bluetooth or Ant+ for the calibration?
I am suspecting that in my case Ant+ connection with my E-training is the problem, because yesterday I tried to use My E-training app and it was disconnecting randomly from Ant+ (both on smartphone and PC with windows 10, different tries, disconnections after a few minutes in both cases)
I noticed that on the PC desktop app first, as in the dashboard the trainer was red (not connected), then green (connected) then after a while red again. It seems Ant+ connection to my E-training is coming and going, may be it happens also during calibration and this brings to calibration failure..
On the other side, the trainer:
- works perfectly as controllable or power/cadence source Ant+ with other apps (Zwift, connected to PC with ant+ key)
- it is seen via Ant+ by other devices (Garmin Edge 530). As a matter of fact, yesterday I could calibrate the trainer from Garmin Edge 530 /Ant+ connection. I also used Ant+ connection of the trainer to Garmin Edge for a workout lasting over an hour with no issues, data recorded perfectly.
- it is not seen via Ant+ or Bluetooth from Zwift on smartphone (My smartphone is Ant+ enabled and sees and works with a lot of other Ant+ devices. Zwift finds the trainer as power or cadence source, but not as controllable trainer, where nothing is shown)
I will try to uninstall and reinstall my e-training app on smartphone (android) and reconnect it to the trainer via Bluetooth to calibrate, let's see what happens...
Question: the calibration I did with Garmin Edge 530 has the same effect of the one that I would like to do with my e-training app?
(Of course excluding the fact that I cannot see offset value and check it with the one provided by Elite underneath the trainer)
Version of the app is the same here (2.9.1)
Your trainer is connected with bluetooth or Ant+ for the calibration?
I am suspecting that in my case Ant+ connection with my E-training is the problem, because yesterday I tried to use My E-training app and it was disconnecting randomly from Ant+ (both on smartphone and PC with windows 10, different tries, disconnections after a few minutes in both cases)
I noticed that on the PC desktop app first, as in the dashboard the trainer was red (not connected), then green (connected) then after a while red again. It seems Ant+ connection to my E-training is coming and going, may be it happens also during calibration and this brings to calibration failure..
On the other side, the trainer:
- works perfectly as controllable or power/cadence source Ant+ with other apps (Zwift, connected to PC with ant+ key)
- it is seen via Ant+ by other devices (Garmin Edge 530). As a matter of fact, yesterday I could calibrate the trainer from Garmin Edge 530 /Ant+ connection. I also used Ant+ connection of the trainer to Garmin Edge for a workout lasting over an hour with no issues, data recorded perfectly.
- it is not seen via Ant+ or Bluetooth from Zwift on smartphone (My smartphone is Ant+ enabled and sees and works with a lot of other Ant+ devices. Zwift finds the trainer as power or cadence source, but not as controllable trainer, where nothing is shown)
I will try to uninstall and reinstall my e-training app on smartphone (android) and reconnect it to the trainer via Bluetooth to calibrate, let's see what happens...
Question: the calibration I did with Garmin Edge 530 has the same effect of the one that I would like to do with my e-training app?
(Of course excluding the fact that I cannot see offset value and check it with the one provided by Elite underneath the trainer)
Re: Direto XR always showing "Calibration Failed" after firmware update to v.73
As a matter of fact, yesterday night I tried to uninstall my E-training app from my smartphone, reinstalled it and paired my direto xr choosing Bluetooth instead of Ant+
Calibration success in a few seconds
Ant+ connection is a problem with Elite app in my opinion, at least in my case, where It does not work on PC with ant+ dongle and on smartphone ant+
As a matter of fact, yesterday night I tried to uninstall my E-training app from my smartphone, reinstalled it and paired my direto xr choosing Bluetooth instead of Ant+
Calibration success in a few seconds
Ant+ connection is a problem with Elite app in my opinion, at least in my case, where It does not work on PC with ant+ dongle and on smartphone ant+
Re: Direto XR always showing "Calibration Failed" after firmware update to v.73
Ça dois pas être votre matériel qui est en cause le problème vient du serveur de chez Elite j'ai moi même eu ce problème avec le Realturbo Muin b+ j'ai pu mettre mes valeur que par smartphone et en bluetooth sur pc rien y fais cdlt
Ça dois pas être votre matériel qui est en cause le problème vient du serveur de chez Elite j'ai moi même eu ce problème avec le Realturbo Muin b+ j'ai pu mettre mes valeur que par smartphone et en bluetooth sur pc rien y fais cdlt
Re: Direto XR always showing "Calibration Failed" after firmware update to v.73
J'ai pense' la meme chose, probleme sur cote' Elite app pour les connections ant+
J'ai pense' la meme chose, probleme sur cote' Elite app pour les connections ant+
Re: Direto XR always showing "Calibration Failed" after firmware update to v.73
I tried to calibrate with myelite pc version and ant+ and I got calibration failed, while on the smartphone, via bluetooth, it works.
This iS happening with fw 073, while with the older one I could calibrate both via pc/ant and smartphone/bluetooth...
Any hint?
I tried to calibrate with myelite pc version and ant+ and I got calibration failed, while on the smartphone, via bluetooth, it works.
This iS happening with fw 073, while with the older one I could calibrate both via pc/ant and smartphone/bluetooth...
Any hint?
Re: Direto XR always showing "Calibration Failed" after firmware update to v.73
Same situation here
I wrote to Elite, let's see if they reply
I wrote to Elite, let's see if they reply
Re: Direto XR always showing "Calibration Failed" after firmware update to v.73
I'm also in the same situation, but I can't calibrate either using Bluetooth and iOS app and ANT+ and MyETraining app on PC...
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