Direto XR + Garmin + pedalling balance

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Direto XR + Garmin + pedalling balance

Postby Calimero » Tue Aug 31, 2021 6:56 pm

I need a trainer which provides the L/R pedalling balance information.
I'm thinking about a Direto XR but I need to know if L/R pedalling balance can be displayed on Garmin devices (such as Garmin Edge 530).
Also, is it possible to connect the Direto XR via bluetooth (PC, Windows 10, Zwift) and ANT+ (Garmin) at the same time?

Many thanks.

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Re: Direto XR + Garmin + pedalling balance

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Sep 03, 2021 11:37 am

Hi Calimero

I confirm you that Direto XR transmits the L/R pedalling balance information, so you'll be able to see it.
But you will need our wired cadence sensor to recognize properly left from right:
https://www.shopelite-it.com/en/sensors ... sensor-kit

I also confirm you that it is possible to use at the same time bluetooth and ant+ (of course one of the two must be in "reading only" mode, otherwise there will be conflicts on commanding the trainer resistance)


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Re: Direto XR + Garmin + pedalling balance

Postby diretoBeginner » Fri Nov 15, 2024 10:37 am

Hello @Elite Admin S
I have a follow up question (sorry its bit late ;) ). If I don't use the cadence sensor do I get complete garbage values for pedalling balance or is it just that the trainer cannot decide which is left and which is right? So If I see values around 50 can I assume there is no dis-balance?


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