Power fluctuations when changing gear / cadence accuracy

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Power fluctuations when changing gear / cadence accuracy

Postby swordtail » Thu Jul 14, 2022 5:21 pm


Re: my Direto XR

I've noticed that, generally when changing gear, the power readout can jump quite significantly one way or another for a few seconds. Is this normal?

Also, how accurate is the cadence readout given it's determined from power data which is fluctuating?


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Re: Power fluctuations when changing gear / cadence accuracy

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:02 am


During a gear changing, it may happen to have fluctuations and wrong cadence.
It depends on the fact that you "interrupt" the power transmission for a moment. It shouldn't last much, though.
Also, it depends on the gear itself and how much fluid is the change.


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