Drivo Erg Mode

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Westmatix » Thu Nov 16, 2017 7:53 pm

Just got a direto and yesterday an update was released to allow power smoothing. I raised this today to 6 as was getting similar issues with erg.
Power graph was smoother but power reading had dropped. I recently did ftp test on sufferfest. Today i tried doing a moderate workout with smoothing at 6 and it was destroying me. Pushing 220 watts was more likely to be 350. I changed it back and it was realistic again.
I will create new topic on this but would be nice to see fixed quickly.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Nov 23, 2017 12:36 pm

Did you do a calibration of the trainer?
If not, please do it and check if the issue disappear.

If it doesn't disappear, please write to the customer care adding:
- an exported training, in which the issue is visible
- the offset you get after the calibration
- the serial number of the Drivo


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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby jisber » Sun Dec 03, 2017 10:05 pm

I just got my new Elite Drivo and I have tried several times to train using Trainer Road Erg mode but it doesn't work. I tried disconnecting the device and reconnecting and still no dice. I'm using Trainer Road app on my Iphone. Any help!!

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:06 pm


If the trainer works properly with our app, contact TrainerRoad for assistance.


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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby karlrkrause » Sun Jan 07, 2018 2:17 am

I experience the same problem. When riding the Alpe d'Huez RealVideo course, for example, the gradient will change by only 0.1-0.2% and the resistance from the Drivo will change by 50-80 W while pedaling at constant cadence. Then it seems to correct after 10-15 seconds to about 10-20 W to keep the same cadence after the gradient change. It seems like the Drivo overadjusts and then eventually corrects. I would appreciate any help to resolve this problem. Otherwise the Drivo is great, but this makes it hard to do ERG workouts. I'm using Windows PC with USB ANT+ dongle. The same thing happens when I use Zwift also. Thanks.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby christian.schwartz » Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:01 am

Hi Elite,
I am disappointed by the lastest Blog from you. You leave us customers runnning between Elite and the app providers! We will never come to a conclusion because one party will always put the blame on the others tool. Classical IT behavior. If your Drivo does not work properly with well reputable and widelNused apps like TrainerRoad you should consider this a problem yourself.
I can only confirm here that I have same problems with my Drivo-TrainerRoad package. And I do not complain about some 10-20 watts fluctuations at all. I am talking about serious issues in VO2 scenarios, when you want to jump to some 350 Watts for 20 secs and the resistance oscillates up to above 400 watts for a few secs. You do this twice and your legs explode and you can forget about the training. I am seeing a friend of mine doing alright with his Kickr for instance.
Bottom line - whatever the problem either on the Drivo or with the app - I expect you both businesses to engange with each other for the benefit of the riding community. Or I have to dispose of my Drivo and move on.
Appreciate your feedback

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby jamlhess » Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:48 pm

I received my Drivo a week ago and have found similar issues as others have noted in this thread. Erg mode is virtually unusable. My trainer will not adjust the power to anything below ~180 watts and it greatly under and overshoots short intervals (e.g. 30 sec). I've tried calibrating, adjusting power smoothing, and even pulled power. Nothing seems to work. I am shocked that a trainer at this price point performs so poorly. I bought this as a replacement for my 2014 Kickr and I think it was a huge mistake. Attached are a couple of graphs which show the performance differences between the Drivo and Kickr on similar TrainerRoad rides.

In addition to all of this, I also had issues with the Ant+ interface repeatedly unpairing from my computer during rides. This was with the Ant+ dongle placed 3 feet from the trainer. To resolve this I had to position the dongle less then 6" inches from the trainer. I never had these type of connection issues with the Kickr.
Divo Kickr Comparison.jpg
Divo Kickr Comparison.jpg (148.29 KiB) Viewed 21496 times

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby mgfjd » Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:57 am

I love the power smoothing feature in the elite app. It is awesome to have a trainer with a real power meter, It behaves just like my stages power meter on the bike.
For Erg mode training set the settings to 10s power smoothing in the app. It will feel like a Wahoo or Tacx.
For road racing or ride set the power smoothing to 2s and it will feel like the real deal.

I was surprised to learn how much power tacx and wahoo do to their trainers.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:51 am


We are always in contact with Zwift, TrainerRoad and the other third party companies.
We collaborate as much as possible. And the confrontation is always a positive thing.
But if an issue appears on one application and not in the other, it is necessary to start the assistance with the respective customer care. This because we don't really know how their code work exactly, so it's like moving blindly.

Many users doesn't like to see the oscillations - which are real, as I already posted.
That's why we added the power smoothing option.
Also, remember to do a calibration every 3-4 weeks.

But if you still think that the oscillations are too much or are wrong in some way, please contact the customer care at real@elite-it.com adding your exported trainings. We will check them one by one to understand if there's something wrong on them. On a forum, is harder to understand the situation, as descriptions are more subjective than data.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:52 am


The oscillations you see are real. Kickr simply doesn't show them.
Increase power smoothing and the value will be more averaged.


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