DRIVO erg mode changing gears?

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DRIVO erg mode changing gears?

Postby Delkim » Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:41 pm

Few days ago GCN published new training video with DRIVO trainers.
My question is - during this workout when resistance changes Matt often CHANGE GEAR!
Can it help with short harder intervals to change resistance faster??? Or is it just him not understand how DRIVO works?
When I do same type of training I just let DRIVO do it for me and NEVER change gear.
Unfortunately if there are some short intervals under 20 secs then it is problem to get right resistance in time. Could changing gears help it?

Or is there any other TIP when in ERG mode is "jump" from 300W to 400W and this interval lasts only 20 secs to get this resistance as fast as possible? Sometimes it is very confusing what to do. When I "push harder" first seconds then DRIVO still thinks it is 300W and for 5 secs it will even decrease resistance to cover increased cadence.

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Re: DRIVO erg mode changing gears?

Postby sebrios » Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:03 pm

Just saw the video.

Matt is not using the Drivo with ERG mode On.
thats why he can change gears to fit better the riding.

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