Drivo II - front wheel block needed?

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Drivo II - front wheel block needed?

Postby scoob » Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:47 am

Hi folks.

Does the Elite Drivo II need one of the front wheel supports to make the whole set up ‘level’?
I know the Neo did. It came with one and the front wheel rested on the block so was lifted a bit off the floor.

I can’t tell if the Drivo II set up means you are ‘level’ with or without a front wheel holder and can’t see anything that tells me.
I’d like to know one way or another if Elite (or anyone else) know the answer please?


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Re: Drivo II - front wheel block needed?

Postby sebrios » Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:26 pm

You dont need one ;)

Posts: 54
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Location: Scotland

Re: Drivo II - front wheel block needed?

Postby scoob » Wed Jan 30, 2019 7:36 pm

Fantastic - thanks v much for that !

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