Drivo Erg Mode

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby yaxley » Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:52 am

I have finally managed to get a reply from Elite.

Good Morning
Thank you for getting in touch with us

Regarding your request
Please send me:
Serial number of the trainer

From My E-Training:
From Settings go to Trainer calibration, calibrate the trainer and send me the offset value that you get (remember to calibrate the trainer after 10 minutes of warm up)

Go to Workout
Select Create Program and select then Power time program
Create the program as following:
Steps of 1 minute each with power: 100 - 200 - 100 - 300 - 100 - 350
Save the program and go back to training list
Select the training you have just created
Start to pedal and ride the program (keep speed and cadence as much constant as you can during the whole training)
At the end of the training

Go to History
Select the training you have just done
Click on the sharing button and select csv
Send me the csv file

Waiting your reply

Andrea B.
Elite srl

I am away this weekend, so wont be able to perform this until Monday, but will keep you abreast of what happens next.


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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Mervster » Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:28 am

Same problem for me.

Tried a FTP test in Rouvy, resistance got so bad in trying to sustain 250W that i had to stop peddling. Turbo wouldn't recover until i power cycled the unit.

I then tried a FTP workout in Rouvy and the same thing happened!!

The turbo is ok on Rouvy when cycling on routes but this is unacceptable.

If it is not fixed soon i will have to take it back as it doesn't work as it should (and as other Turbos do)

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby scoob » Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:58 pm

I’ve now had a similar reply to Chris above. But it’s taken so long I’ve already initiated the return process.
Until that process completes and I hand it back I’ll do the diagnostics for Elite, but that’s it now. I’ve given up. This has been months and months by the looks of it and only with some concerted group effort are we getting replies. Even then it still takes multiple days to progress anything.
I guess Elite are just super busy. But that doesn’t help us as customers.

Still think this needs a post on their website with a solution.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby andrews » Tue Feb 12, 2019 8:09 pm

Has anybody had any useful feedback following return of test data to elite? They have asked me to undertake testing using the elite app which I’ll do tonight.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby okhn » Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:18 pm

Yes, I had satisfactory reply - see viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1484&start=30#p4475

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby yaxley » Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:24 pm

Shane Miller - GPLama revisited the Elite Drivo Smart Trainer using his 'Lama Lab test'. He found all the issues we have reported. Hopefully this will kick Elite into gear?



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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby scoob » Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:30 pm

Chris - great spot. Every thing we do will help. And external reviewers should carry some additional weight.

I continue to find the ‘one person a week’ (that’s how it looks here unless there are hundreds of people invisible to us of course) quite an unusual approach.

Whatever the parameters are that Elite are changing - one would imagine it’s common to all Drivo and Drivo II’s - so therefore giving us the fix via a software/firmware patch would be logical.

Still no website acknowledgement and public fix

But does feel like the pressure we’ve collectively applied has helped get a few people sorted. Which is fantastic.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby r.ciesla » Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:52 pm

yaxley wrote:Shane Miller - GPLama revisited the Elite Drivo Smart Trainer using his 'Lama Lab test'. He found all the issues we have reported. Hopefully this will kick Elite into gear?



Yes, exactly this is the same sine pattern I can see when doing ERG mode sessions. It is not so obvious when racing in sim mode, but in ERG mode the training sessions can get annoying at times. Not sure whether Elite is going to address this by a firmware update anytime soon though (see dual transmission). It would be great if they were a bit more responsive on this. People paid quite some money for this trainer. In general it is quite good, but this is a bit unfortunate.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby mcaradonna » Thu Feb 21, 2019 9:39 pm

I have the same problem. Decided to research it and came across this thread. Wow. but I ask 2 things
A. Why dont you all just return you trainer if it's broken like you would anything else...and..
B. TO ELITE it's time to own up and do a FULL recall before you ruin your brand. Because people are talkin. And the fall from the top is the greatest. And I love your products just saying... or everyone will just return thier items. Thanks. Ciao. I'm going to ride the rollers tonight. Elite also btw. And erg works fine. Haha

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby stevo_bird » Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:22 pm

I bought one of the first Drivo units and noticed this problem straight away using Trainer Road and Zwift in workout mode. I reached out to Elite a couple of times and was told that they’d never heard of the issue. I just left it and avoided doing workouts with big differences in power between work and rest intervals and swore loudly at the Drivo whenever it locked up mid-workout.

I went to the trade show at the NEC last year and found a chap on the Elite stand (when they were trying to promote Drivo II) and funnily enough got the same answer “never heard of that before”. When a simple search will reveal posts everywhere from frustrated users with the same issue. I can only think it is a problem with their hardware that they are trying to smoke screen and nothing that can be sorted with a firmware update, but then why would they release Drivo II with seemingly the same problem?

I’ve just read through this whole thread and cannot believe they haven’t addressed it. Sure, ask people to send in their files, calibrations, etc... if it is a couple of isolated incidents, but this issue is affecting HUGE numbers of users. It is a fundamental problem, which their lack of resolving has led to the brand being rubbished in multiple locations online. In an era where companies can’t stand their brand being publicly called out online, Elite seem not to care one jot.

I have just had another failed workout (in their own My ETraining app - which I have been using for the last year exclusively) and decided I am not just going to ‘put up’ with my £1,000 trainer anymore and avoid workouts that actually improve my fitness.

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