Drivo Non-constant resistance on a flat course

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Drivo Non-constant resistance on a flat course

Postby j_heade » Thu Feb 28, 2019 9:51 pm

I have had my Drivo for over a year. I notice that when I ride the training sessions in REAL that have no gradient, that I can feel various levels of resistance throughout the workout session. This should not be happening as there is no technical input that would require an increase or decrease in resistance on a flat course. I'd like to see this corrected with a firmware update. It may be accurate in power readings, but it is not responding the same as real bike would. It needs an immediate fix.

I think this video explains what the issue is:

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Re: Drivo Non-constant resistance on a flat course

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Mar 12, 2019 1:02 pm

Well, on a flat course power is not always the same (and so resistance). Also, you have to consider your weight.


Mario is a 70kg rider.
He's pedaling at 20 km/h on a flat.
On a flat, he would develop around 60W.
The trainer minimum resistance at 20km/h is around 65W. So, resistance will be stable at 0.

Then, he acelerate and pedal at 30km/h.
On a real flat, he would develop around 174W.
At this speed on Drivo with resistance 0, the trainer develops around 120W. Too little. The trainer has to increase resistance to match the power

As you can see, a flat road doesn't mean 0 resistance ;)

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Re: Drivo Non-constant resistance on a flat course

Postby sergey.maximenko » Fri Dec 20, 2019 4:28 pm

I'm a Drivo owner for over a year too.
I confirm that for some reasons Drivo uses quite harsh steps for resistance change in simulation mode ride for flat terrain (I usually use Zwift). It makes it rather difficult to reach desired power, unlike the real world ride where I can play gear/cadence to get any 10 sec avg power I want.
To explain, for one gear power readings are 110W. I change the cog, now power readings are 140W, same cadence, same 0% flat terrain.
Why there is like 30% increment in power, like I'm on some 5 speed antique bike?? Really uncomfortable and annoying, my cassette is 11-speed 11-28, it doesn't show that harsh increments IRL. Even my 10-speed MTB cassette that is 11-34 doesn't have such huge stepping in power between cogs.
I don't want to train in 30% power increments, or switch gears back and forth, or sacrifice my cadence too much.

The same issue with slopes in Zwift, keeping cadence and gear steady.
0% - steady power.
1% - same power as at 0%.
2% - same power as at 0%??
somewhere between 2% and 3% - sudden 1.5x increment in power. My trainer finally provided feedback that the terrain I'm riding isn't flat.
3% - 2x increment in power.
4% - 3x increment in power.

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