Drivo Blue Tooth Power to Zwift

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Steve Rode
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Drivo Blue Tooth Power to Zwift

Postby Steve Rode » Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:49 pm

I would like to be able to use Bluetooth with Zwift so I can use the pedaling analysis at the same time- for some reason I can only see the trainer and the cadence device listed as DR152, but there is not powermeter option showing - Without this it's not possible to use ERG mode for intervals or free rides with Zwift controling the resistance using blue tooth. Is this by design or do I have an issue with my trainer not transmitting the signal from the power meter? I have no problems with ANT+ and Zwift using ERG mode, but with ANT+ I can't pick up the ANT+ signal on my phone to use the app.

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Re: Drivo Blue Tooth Power to Zwift

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Mar 27, 2017 9:01 am


Bluetooth doesn't allow multiple connection on the same channel (doesn't matter if it is bluetooth or ant+).
Also, even if you use the ant+, the resistance won't work properly (both Zwift and my e-training will try to control the resisance and they will do it in a different way, generating a conflict).

So, I'm sorry but it is not possible. You have to use them separately.


Steve Rode
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Re: Drivo Blue Tooth Power to Zwift

Postby Steve Rode » Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:22 pm

Is it possible to just use Bluetooh for Zwift only? I can see the trainer for smart trainer in the set up screen, but in the power meter train nothing shows up. The other smart trainer I have shows power meter and trainer in the power meter field for Zwift using bluetooth and the Zwift mobile app though my phone as a bridge to the PC over wifi, and it does fine controling the trainer using the Zwift mobile. With ANT+ I can see both Elite power meter and trainer in the power meter field for Zwift, and using either controls the trainer fine. .

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Drivo Blue Tooth Power to Zwift

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:30 am

Hi Steve

You should be able to see it also with bluetooth.
Please can you send me a screenshot of the configuration you've set and one of what you see if you try to select the Drivo in the power options?


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Re: Drivo Blue Tooth Power to Zwift

Postby flimps » Thu Jan 02, 2020 8:16 pm

A year has gone by and looks they have not fixed it.
My drivo reads 10-15 watts above any other powermeter.

They said the difference lies on that the powermeters reading on the pedals or cranks, chain dispersion, etc. The reality is wahoo provides same reading as pedal and cranks powermeters while drivo does not.

The problem lies in their BLE connection. Either they dont want to say they know this or acknowledge.

Returning my drivo this saturday. End of story

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Re: Drivo Blue Tooth Power to Zwift

Postby mgfjd » Fri Jan 03, 2020 5:55 am

I connect mine through bluetooth. No issues. I use a pc

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