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Trainer “wheel” off center

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 7:43 pm
by tom.cosgrove
I have an Elite Direto II.

The trainer is on a flat surface and is level. And the bike dropouts are well seated. Yet, the “wheel” of the trainer leans distinctly to the left (as seen from behind). It doesn’t hit the seat stay, but it’s close (maybe 0.5 CM from left side, 2.0CM from right side). Otherwise, the trainer seems perfectly fine. Is his normal/ok?

Re: Trainer “wheel” off center

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:52 am
by okhn
I had issue with the bike leaning to the right (looking from behind) when the washer was not placed correctly... It did not notice the wrong washer placement right away. With the washer placed correctly I don't have an issue anymore...