I recently bought an Elite Drivo, so far I am pleased with the product but I have a difficulty when doing a freeride on Zwift (Iphone version). The resistance always seems to be too low on flats and low gradients sections, I end up on the 53x11 gears at 90RPM easily and the power increases during the acceleration a few seconds but stabilizes at 180w after. It is impossible to hold a 300W on a flat sections as there is not enough gears. I tried to set different values in the ''trainer difficulty'' and it definitely affects how the trainer behaves on the climbs, as expected, but on flats and low gradients, the resistance is definitely too low.
When using ERG mode in Zwift it is working properly as I can easily have a realistic gearing of 53x16 at 300+W. Also, when using the My E-training application, I can increase the level to get enough resistance or use the power mode so I would not suspect a problem with the hardware it might only be a software/configuration problem but I have no idea what it is.
Thank You for your help!
Drivo - Zwift freeride low resistance
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