Calibrating head unit

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Calibrating head unit

Postby shaw6417 » Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:29 pm

Hi guys

I have decided to try and do some indoor cycling and have linked my Elite turbo muin,and the misuro b+ sensor inside of it too my garmin edge explore.

However the issue i am having is that it is giving the wrong speed,i am hand cranking it and i am going over 30mph. So after some research i needed to change the wheel size, if my serial number is greater than 30 i divide it by 13.2 right? Well my s/n was 07174 which bring me too 543.4 i entered that on my wheel size and its better but still not correct. Am i using the correct formula,for my garmin edge explore please.

Thank you very much

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Calibrating head unit

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:22 am


There are some inaccuracies in what you wrote.

About serial number and wheel circumference setting on Garmin:
- trainer serial number < 30000 -> you have to put your wheel circumference in the setting
- trainer serial number > 30000 -> you have to divide your wheel circumference by 13.2

So, you have to use your complete wheel circumference.
That said, I think you're not using the proper circumference measure (as you said that you set 543mm after dividing it).
A normal wheel is around 2000-2200mm.

Please measure your real wheel circumference.
Here you can find one possible way to do it: ... cumference

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