Turbo Muin & Misuro B+

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Turbo Muin & Misuro B+

Postby vitalijs.komarovs » Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:11 pm

I'm using Turbo Muin (s/n 36472) with Misuro B+ (s/n 0145106) connected to Garmin Edge 520.
Misuro set to 12 blinks, according to manual, wheel circumference is divided by 13.2

I'm facing the following issues:

- Keeping smooth cadence on the trainer - the readings are not smooth, jumping like 40-66-86-62-80-48-82 and so on.
I'm pretty sure, that I'm not changing my cadence that way. Is it faulty sensor or it could be adjusted somehow?

- Speed seems lower, that on the same chainring outside, on the road. Any way to adjust to more realistic numbers?

Thank you!

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Re: Turbo Muin & Misuro B+

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:28 am


The cadence transmitted by the Misuro is not measured, It is simply calculated from the micro-variations of speed that occurs every stroke of the pedal. This means that the value you see on screen is an approximation of your real cadence.

The algorithm that calculates the cadence usually works quite well, but in particular situations (not smooth pedaling, short gear ecc.) the value may be not stable.

So, my suggestions are these:
- try to keep a smooth pedaling
- don't use a too short gear

If you need a very precise cadence, I suggest you to use an external wireless cadence sensor (ant+ or bluetooth smart, depending on the device you're using) and connect it into the app.

About the speed, it is correct that you have a lower speed than on the road.
Have a look at the power curve of the Turbo Muin below. As you can see, the effort is far higher on the Turbo Muin. This means that with the same power, you'll have a lower speed on the Misuro compared to the speed you'd have outdoor.

I suggest you also to take a look at this document, that explains in details how the Turbo Muin works:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By4rZv ... 5JMlk/view
TMvsROAD.png (52.19 KiB) Viewed 48074 times

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Re: Turbo Muin & Misuro B+

Postby vitalijs.komarovs » Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:32 am

Thank you for explanations

Yes, under the load the cadence readings seems more smooth comparing with readings on the low gear.

I have my Garmin cadence sensor on the crank and I can use it on the Muin as well.
However, Garmin see Misuro B+ as one power sensor and one speed/cadence combo sensor.

So, if I will enable Garmin cadence - I will have two cadence sensors at the same time, not sure it works that way.
If I will disable Misuro sensor - I will lose speed reading, right?

Could you comment, please?

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Re: Turbo Muin & Misuro B+

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Mar 28, 2017 10:45 am


In the app, do again the configuration and this time when you're asked if you have additional cadence sensor, answer yes.
The app will connect to it instead of the cadence channel of the Misuro.
In this way, you'll see the speed from the misuro and the cadence from the Garmin.

Obviously, your smartphone/tablet must support the Garmin sensor communication (ant+ or bluetooth smart, I don't know the model you have).

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Re: Turbo Muin & Misuro B+

Postby SPM » Wed Mar 29, 2017 7:12 pm

I have a similar but different problem. I have a turbo Muin serial no.52453 and also have an ANT+ sensor. I am using a Garmin 810 but the speed recorded by my Garmin can be in excess of 100mph. Please see Strava https://www.strava.com/activities/919040277

The cadence and power readings are reasonable but the speed is wildly too high. What can be done to correct the problem? I have been monitoring the speed with the Elite app on my tablet and it seems reasonable. The Garmin reading however is wrong and I need to have this correct because it is the point of coordination for all my training both indoors and outdoors.

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Re: Turbo Muin & Misuro B+

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:13 am


Did you remember to change the circumference value in the Garmin?
You have to insert your circumference/13.2 there to have correct speed.


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Re: Turbo Muin & Misuro B+

Postby emmausa » Mon Dec 11, 2023 7:37 am

The information you share is very good and interesting, thanks to that, I know more useful things. Keep posting interesting things and I will keep an eye on your posts. mapquest directions

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Re: Turbo Muin & Misuro B+

Postby timothyferriss » Thu Dec 19, 2024 10:09 am

Ensure that the Misuro B+ sensor is securely attached to the trainer and the magnet is aligned correctly. If the sensor or magnet moves even slightly, it could cause erratic cadence readings. Bitlife

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