RE: Zwift Aero Super-Tuck Position

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RE: Zwift Aero Super-Tuck Position

Postby david_darby » Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:58 pm

Getting into the Aero-Super Tuck position is the one area where Elite users are at a serious disadvantage, particularly during an eRace.

Given that Zwift are not going to remove this element from its in game training/racing (following the UCI's ban on this position in real racing) could Elite not update firmware to address this problem? On a recent race on the Innsbruck shorter circuit, just after the "Leg Snapper" climb there is a short descent. While I was turning over 300 watts, other riders (presumably on other devices) were simply gliding past me whilst in the super-tuck position. I appreciate this is only virtual racing, but if several other riders have a distinct advantage, then this is an area that Elite really needs to improve.

I understand you have to be on a -3% gradient, be above 58kmh and have 11 watts or less so this can only be achieved on the longest of descents. By which time, however, other avatars have entered super-tuck much sooner and, in order to keep up with other avatars, one has to keep pedalling so effectively, one can not enter super-tuck.

As much as I enjoy using my Direto XR, it is somewhat frustrating when other avatars come flying past without having to turn the pedals, simply by being in the super-tuck position and this is the only criticism I would have for the Direto XR.

So, please Elite. Surely this is something that can be improved upon?? It would be far better (and far more realistic) if Elite could update the firmware and base the super-tuck position on both cadence (reading zero) and a speed above 50kmh. Surely this is something that can be applied and with this, I am sure that your current customer base would be far happier and no doubt word would soon spread to other potential customers that are considering a smart trainer.

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Re: RE: Zwift Aero Super-Tuck Position

Postby simon » Fri Dec 10, 2021 8:12 pm

Agreed! Please fix!!!!

Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:18 am

Re: RE: Zwift Aero Super-Tuck Position

Postby mike.landmann » Sat Feb 05, 2022 12:14 pm

Nothing to do with the trainer.

Get your speed up as soon as you can, then stop pedalling. Some people back pedal for a few seconds to ensure that the trainer is not transmitting power.

If you are a lightweight rider you will be at a disadvantage.

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