Edge 1030 shows distance and speed at 3.5 times faster than actual speed

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Edge 1030 shows distance and speed at 3.5 times faster than actual speed

Postby webmaster » Thu Nov 02, 2017 6:46 pm

I have the new Garmin Edge 1030 and when I use it with the Drivo trainer, the speed is about 3.5 times faster than it should be.


The Garmin Edge 1000 is on the left showing the actual speed and the Garmin Edge 1030 is on the right.

I am not sure which is out of sync, the Edge 1030 or the Drivo. I also don't know if there is supposed to be an option that I can use to bring the Edge 1030 in line with the Edge 1000.

Anyone with ideas to fix this situation? Or is this an issue truly with the Garmin Edge 1030?


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Re: Edge 1030 shows distance and speed at 3.5 times faster than actual speed

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:56 am

Please check to have put the correct circumference value on the Garmin, I think you've used different values in the two devices ;)
Remember that with Drivo you have to use your circumference / 3.43


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Re: Edge 1030 shows distance and speed at 3.5 times faster than actual speed

Postby webmaster » Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:03 pm

The circumference is set to auto by default. The manual setting is 2096 (this is true for both Garmins). I will reset it this morning when I try the trainer.

I know I did not have to change anything on the Edge 1000 when I paired it with the Drivo. So, I believe the 1000 already is doing the math to divide the circumference by 3.43.

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Re: Edge 1030 shows distance and speed at 3.5 times faster than actual speed

Postby webmaster » Sun Nov 05, 2017 4:30 pm

Hi, I just finished a 20 km ride using the information you provided.

The Elite Real desktop software showed a final distance of 20 km (that was the programmed distance for the ride). The Edge 1030 showed 20.3 km. The value that was entered for the wheel circumference in the edge was 611 (2096 / 3.43 = 611.08). Why such a discrepancy?

When viewing the parameters for the Drivo on my iPad, it has a circumference of 2096. So, I would expect very close results and not an error rate of 1.5%.

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Re: Edge 1030 shows distance and speed at 3.5 times faster than actual speed

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Nov 09, 2017 12:45 pm


This issue may have different causes.
Most likely, it is due to the difference in the circumference settings, as using the ratio modifier (without decimals and of course with some rounding) adds an error. This error is small, but accumulates with the time causing a difference in the total counter.


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Re: Edge 1030 shows distance and speed at 3.5 times faster than actual speed

Postby webmaster » Thu Nov 09, 2017 10:11 pm

Hi, I beg to differ regarding the error factor. This is not a rounding error.

I did a simple calculation to what the needed circumference needed to be based on the results I was getting previously. The revised number was 602.05. Even at that number I was off by 60 m on a 30 km ride.

Assuming that the 3.43 factor is correct, the internal calculation of the software (which is the desktop Real) is off or the firmware on the Drivo is off.

I don't expect it to be exact because I have to start two devices moments from each other.

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Re: Edge 1030 shows distance and speed at 3.5 times faster than actual speed

Postby webmaster » Thu Nov 23, 2017 12:32 am

Further information regarding the numeric discrepancies. It seems that the Drivo may be stuck with a 2070 wheel diameter even though when I connected to it with my iPad, the wheel sized showed 2096. That would explain the 602.5 value I was calculating based on the distance recorded between the desktop REAL software and the Garmin. 2070 / 3.43 yields 603.5.

So I wonder it there is a firmware communication or iPad software issue because I be able to receive from the Drivo the setting for it on the iPad.

On my next ride, I will see if the setting I entered (2096) will be correct in terms of the distances recorded.

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