Suito power low

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Re: Suito power low

Postby FabienC » Thu Oct 21, 2021 12:56 pm

i own an elite suito for a short time and i have the same problem. It seems the power is underestimated. I ride on zwift.
I tried b kool and the 8% inclines are impossible to climb.
Has anyone found the solution?

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Re: Suito power low

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:53 am


These are the things to do if you feel that the training is not realistic:

1. check if the motor moves properly
Run my e-training, select level mode and pedal at constant speed. Increase gradually the level and check if you feel the resistance change

2. check your circumference setting
Wrong circumference means wrong speed. As power is calculated on speed, this will also mean wrong power. Give it a look.

3. run the calibration
Do a 10 minutes training to warm up the trainer (20-25km/h, 120-150W).
Then run the calibration.
Do a training and check if the simulation is more realistic

4. if you have an external power sensor, compare power
If you have an external power sensor or do you know someone who has it and can lend it to you (or do a test on the trainer for you), take advantage! It's the better way to check if power is ok

5. last but not least... outdoor and indoor are different!
Pedaling indoor gives a feeling of higher effort.
This is due to several variables: lack of ventilation, flywheel effect, lack of oscillation of the bike, lack of negative slopes simulation...
So, it happens to have this feeling and then, checking with a power sensor, discovering that power is aligned.

If still there's any doubt, our customer care is the correct way to go:

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Re: Suito power low

Postby FabienC » Fri Oct 22, 2021 4:49 pm

Thank you for your reply.
I will test and try to borrow a friend's ht to compare.
For the circumference I kept the value of 2070.

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Re: Suito power low

Postby FabienC » Fri Nov 12, 2021 5:34 pm


some news...
I contacted elite to resolve my issue. Dialogue is rapid. Responsive service. But after 15 days of email exchange the problem persists. The resistance of my suito is at most around 8% slope. I made a comparison with a power meter. On the flat no worries but as soon as it rises the values ​​are different. I have up to 50 watts of difference on very steep inclines.
Nobody had this problem ?

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Re: Suito power low

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Nov 15, 2021 11:32 am


I've checked with my colleagues and it seems that they are waiting for a test on your side.
With that, it will be possible to check the accuracy and if necessary to adjust it


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Re: Suito power low

Postby FabienC » Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:23 pm

the problem is that I don't have a power meter. So I can't do the tests ...
A home trainer bought new must work, otherwise it's guaranteed return !!!

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Re: Suito power low

Postby niki.birling » Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:22 am

Just bought new Suito. Previously I had Drivo2 which was reading power exactly same as my Garmin Vector3 powermeter pedals.

Suito is reading clearly too low numbers. At around 100-200w it tracks well with Vectors, but at 300w the difference is huge, almost up 30w but always over 20w. This makes the power readings from the trainer completely useless and I always would have to use other power source like Vectors when training. Not optimal.

I have run calibration. Before, after and during the training session. It doesn't change anything. Please tell me how to fix this?

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Re: Suito power low

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Nov 18, 2021 11:34 am


please discuss this topic with the technician that is following your case.
I'm sure he'll find a possible solution.


please contact the customer care. The guys there will ask you some specific test to solve the problem


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Re: Suito power low

Postby yaron.kraus » Tue May 03, 2022 1:25 pm

Is this issue solved?

I ran a short workout in erg mode, and found a big discrepancy between the power reported by the Suito and Power2Max NGeco power meter.

Workout Plan | Suito | P2M
1 Min@165W | 167W | 175W
1 Min@206W | 201W | 226W
1 Min@248W | 252W | 291W
1 Min@289W | 292W | 343W
1 Min@330W | 323W | 400W

Seems like a gain/offest issue.
Any Ideas?


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Re: Suito power low

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed May 04, 2022 7:57 am

Hi Yaron

Have you done a calibration?
If not, please do it and tell us if the discrepancy disappear.
If the problem persists even after the calibration, contact the support:


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