Elite Tuo - Watt output too high while clinbing on Zwift

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Elite Tuo - Watt output too high while clinbing on Zwift

Postby ccrepin » Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:24 pm

I recently purchased an Elite Tuo trainer, which is correctly calibrated with Elite App. On flat roads, all is fine, the wattage seems to be OK. But when the road is climbing, the power mesurement is totally unrealistic. On Alpe du Zwift, I ride with a 5W/kg average while my "normal" FTP is close to 4W/kg. Some Elite Tuo users report same problem on Zwift Forum (https://forums.zwift.com/t/elite-tuo-wa ... ing/514637).
Do we do something completly wrong when we calibrate the trainer ? Is it a Zwift problem when treating the power mesurement ? I know a wheel-on is not a super accurate trainer, but a 150 - 200W gap is not really acceptable, it's completly killing the fun on Zwift. Thank you for your help.

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Re: Elite Tuo - Watt output too high while clinbing on Zwift

Postby blabling2 » Mon Jul 17, 2023 6:45 am

I also find it too high, it's hard to lower it connect 4

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Re: Elite Tuo - Watt output too high while clinbing on Zwift

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Jul 24, 2023 8:37 am

If you use my e-training instead of Zwift, do you have the same issue?
If not, the problem must be on how Zwift control the trainer. Otherwise, the problem may be on the trainer.
In both cases, I suggest you to contact our support to investigate further:

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