Elite Justo shows low watts

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Elite Justo shows low watts

Postby blinzi » Wed Feb 12, 2025 7:01 pm


I've been using the Elite Justo for 2 years now and for the first time in this winter it seems like its showing very low wattage and random rpm numbers - it also keeps losing connection to the ANT+ connector frequently.

I updated the firmware to the latest version and re-calibrated the device through the elite app.

Unfortunately the watts still seem way off to my power meters from 2 different bikes - difference up to 15% lower than what my bikes show me on average.

Is there anything I can do myself to fix this or is it broken and needs to be repaired?


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Joined: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:34 am

Re: Elite Justo shows low watts

Postby lucidam » Mon Feb 24, 2025 5:01 am

Try checking for ANT+ interference, recalibrating multiple times, changing the power source, or resetting the device;Agario if the error persists, you may need to send it in for warranty.

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