Drivo pairing with Zwift incl HR and rpm but no movement or Wattage

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Drivo pairing with Zwift incl HR and rpm but no movement or Wattage

Postby kingster777 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 4:40 pm


I've been cycling indoors for about 2 months now on my newly bought Elite Drivo. Everything worked fine until this afternoon. Trying to start antoher training session I managed to pair up with Zwift. I climbed my bike, started pedalling but my Avatar didn't move at all. In the display it showed my rpm and HR increasing but the km/h and W remained at zero (obviously, because I wasn't moving...). I unplugged the Drivo and reconnected but the problem returned. Could anyone please help me out? The weather in Belgium these days is terrible so I really need my indoor training sessions to be ready for the season... Thx in advance!

Rgrds, Peter

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Drivo pairing with Zwift incl HR and rpm but no movement or Wattage

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:48 pm

It seems a disconnection.
Please restart your pc and try again.
If the problem doesn't disappear, please also try connecting it to my e-training app.
If you're not able to connect to the app as well, please contact the customer care at real@elite-it.com


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